zweiler2 / HoloISO_Tweaked

SteamOS 3 (Holo) archiso configuration
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NVIDIA GPU Low FPS / FPS limitation in Game #38

Open JamisonMurphy opened 1 month ago

JamisonMurphy commented 1 month ago

Your Issue:

1)FPS limitation (60fps) 

2)Low FPS in Game 
Test game :dead cell << 60fps dGPU mode
>> 100fps hybrid gpu mode

Your device's full specs

CPU: AMD R7 5800H
GPU: RTX 3060 laptop

Your OS version (cat /etc/os-release | grep VARIANT_ID | cut -d '"' -f 2):


(Only for SteamOS Session loading issues) Have you tried launching gamescope-session from terminal? If yes, provide a log.

*Please put anything here if you tried to launch session separately*

Have you updated your installation recently?

zweiler2 commented 1 month ago

1) Only in dGPU mode? 2) Any advantage as to why you want to use dGPU mode?

JamisonMurphy commented 1 month ago
  • Only in dGPU mode?
  • Any advantage as to why you want to use dGPU mode?

1) yes, no problem with hybrid mode 2) dGPU mode has better performance

zweiler2 commented 1 month ago

Have you tried adding "-r 165" to the /usr/bin/gamescope-session file? It should then look something like this at line 259:

gamescope \
        -r 165 \
    --generate-drm-mode fixed \
    --xwayland-count 2 \
    --default-touch-mode 4 \
    --hide-cursor-delay 3000 \
    --max-scale 2 \
    --fade-out-duration 200 \
    -e -R "$socket" -T "$stats" \
    -O '*',eDP-1 \
zweiler2 commented 1 month ago

You can also try adding "DRI_PRIME=1 %command%" to the Steam launch options of the game, while using the hybrid mode. This way, Steam can use your iGPU for compositing (no graphical artifacts) and the game can use the power of the dGPU.

JamisonMurphy commented 1 month ago

Have you tried adding "-r 165" to the /usr/bin/gamescope-session file? It should then look something like this at line 259:

gamescope \
        -r 165 \
  --generate-drm-mode fixed \
  --xwayland-count 2 \
  --default-touch-mode 4 \
  --hide-cursor-delay 3000 \
  --max-scale 2 \
  --fade-out-duration 200 \
  -e -R "$socket" -T "$stats" \
  -O '*',eDP-1 \

It works. Thanks

You can also try adding "DRI_PRIME=1 %command%" to the Steam launch options of the game, while using the hybrid mode. This way, Steam can use your iGPU for compositing (no graphical artifacts) and the game can use the power of the dGPU.

With or without it, fps is lower(about 80fps, internal screen, dGPU and hybrid mode) Test game: overwatch2 about 130fps in windows. Maybe it's because of the efficiency of the wine translation.