zweilove / css_splitter

Gem for splitting up stylesheets that go beyond the IE limit of 4095 selectors, for Rails 3.1+ apps using the Asset Pipeline.
MIT License
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Modify Gemfile to install correct debugger for development. #43

Closed kruszczynski closed 10 years ago

kruszczynski commented 10 years ago

I had some trouble setting up local env, due to gem 'debugger'.

I've added conditionally 'pry-byebug' for ruby 2.0 +

Since ruby 1.9.3 is not developed anymore removing debugger at all might be good idea.

jhilden commented 10 years ago

+1 for completely replacing debugger with pry-byebug. Do you want to change your PR, so I can merge it?

kruszczynski commented 10 years ago

There you go. I'm exploring the code base right now, looking for stuff to improve. I've also added css_splitter to Code Climate (, so I'll be aiming at 4.0 there as well.