zxdawn / S5P-WRFChem

Core code for the TROPOMI NO2 retrieval based on WRF-Chem outputs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to get the LUT file #30

Open Kexin828 opened 9 months ago

Kexin828 commented 9 months ago


read lut

lut_pattern = os.path.join(s5p_nc_dir, 'S5P_OPER_LUT_NO2AMF*')
lut = xr.open_mfdataset(lut_pattern, combine='by_coords')

Where can I download this LUT file? I would be grateful for your answer.

zxdawn commented 9 months ago

Here's the global attributes of that nc file named S5P_OPER_LUT_NO2AMF_00000000T000000_99999999T999999_20160527T173500.nc:

// global attributes:
        :validity_stop = "99999999T999999" ;
        :dataset_name = "S5P_LUT_NO2AMF" ;
        :author = "Alba Lorente" ;
        :contact = "Folkert Boersma. boersma@knmi.nl    " ;
        :history = "20160530. Version 02.5. Corrected DAK box AMFs with McArtim to account for sphericity atmosphere." ;
        :source = "DAK radiative transfer model. Version 3.31" ;
        :polarization = "On" ;
        :sphericity = "On" ;
        :wavelength = "437.5 nm" ;
        :references = "Lorente et al., AMTD, 2016" ;
        :conventions = "CF-1.6" ;
        :validity_start = "00000000T000000" ;
        :creation_date = "20160530T140000" ;

You can contact Folkert for the LUT ;)