Closed azesmbog closed 4 years ago
Hi, I added DualPortRam.ngc for both projects. Although, the ZXUNO core is not working. Could you try again?
I tried again. Yes, now it’s going well. But there was no image. I think a line error .v_in (videoc), you must either add a videoc signal or change the signal to video if you do this, the image appears, but shifted to the left exactly half the screen: (( need to do something with the scandbler Here I am most interested in OSD and zpu-flex If I could figure out how to configure and compile it, then it would be possible to complete the CHIP-8 computer
I had this issue before and I could not solve it. I have no zxuno board and is difficult to test it without it. About ZPU flex I checked a webpage with examples to guide me. I would search it and let you know.
Here you have a tutorial about ZPUFlex, check it: []
I have a zx uno board. But I test the cores mainly on another board - AEON. There, in principle, there is the same xc6slx9 chip, but it’s more convenient to upload the firmware via USB. Well, and then, if you wish, I transfer it to zxuno. Rebuilt your core under zxdos, the picture doesn’t look very good Well, I built my version, but with your OSD unit and zpu-flex For the sample, so far I have connected only a reset signal, the rest I think is also not difficult to connect. I would like to make it work from the menu, and directly from the keyboard. But I did it to get experience with the menu and zpu-flex. By the way, in the zx80yunoV2 kernel, I could not download and run the files, but this is for another issue
Are you testing with VGA or RGB? I dind't get work the RGB signal. Try adjusting this +-1 with other values in module OnScreenDisplay.vhd. In the original module there is not that adjust.
--Señal VGA exacta -- xpixelpos<=xpos(11 downto 0); --Corregir pequeños desalineamientos si la señal VGA no es exacta --que se producen cuando la señal original del scandoubler no es compatible --completamente con la frecuencia de VGA if ypixelpostmp(0)='1' then xpixelpos<=xpos(11 downto 0) + 1; else xpixelpos<=xpos(11 downto 0) - 1; end if;
RGB or VGA? Sorry, but I do not know the hardware structure of ZXDOS. I have only VGA on AEON, and on ZX-UNO there is VGA and TV-out. As I understand it, a special cable is used for ZXDOS to connect to a regular TV via SCART? And for this they use 3 color signals plus sync with a line frequency of 16385 Hz? I specifically took a screenshot, and showed that I have a VGA signal
For ZXDOS there is and adapter VGA to SCART using 3 color signals plus csync as you imagine. Sorry I didn't notice the configuration in the screenshot. Did you changed the "Design Goals & strategies" from balanced to Timing performance? I just test it in my ZXDOS and as it is in the project, with "Balanced" it looks good but with "Timing performance" it seems like you behaviour. Thanks!!! Everything worked out for me !!! Now I will deal with zpu-flex. I have one global question - as I understand it, the kernel is built only in Linux by the makefile script. Can I build a kernel in Windows ?? If this is not possible, could you tell me which programs should be installed in Linux ?? I'm not a big specialist, but Mint can run :)
That's great! Could you share your source code to update mine ? You also might publish a push request on this. About zpuflex you need zpugcc instaled, I only found it in linux and I don't know if it is available on windows. You should check , although I was not easy to me install it. I am not specialist too. P.D: I sent you a message in zxuno forum about one of your cores, so check-it please.
It produces the following error:
ERROR:NgdBuild:604 - logical block 'MyCtrlModule/myosd/charram' with type 'DualPortRam' could not be resolved. A pin name misspelling can cause this, a missing edif or ngc file, case mismatch between the block name and the edif or ngc file name, or the misspelling of a type name. Symbol 'DualPortRam' is not supported in target 'spartan6'.
I think the file is missing in the project DualportRam.ngc
Is it difficult to add it for both projects?)) Thanks.