zyachel / quetre

A libre front-end for Quora
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Mention that quora.vern.cc is now rate limited #12

Closed gi-yt closed 2 years ago

zyachel commented 2 years ago

I knew that sooner or later it'll happen. :/

How much traffic is there on your instance, @gi-yt?

gi-yt commented 2 years ago

not sure since we dont keep any access logs...

gi-yt commented 2 years ago

i dont think the heroku one should be affected since from what i understand server keeps changing ?

gi-yt commented 2 years ago

@zyachel seems they lifeted the limit but i would suggest having that tag for a while so we dont get perma-ratelimited because quora thinks we are "abusing their api" or anything

zyachel commented 2 years ago

i dont think the heroku one should be affected since from what i understand server keeps changing ?

I'm not sure but I think they do recycle IP addresses.

When I get time, I'll look for(and learn) a way to avoid being rate-limited. Right now, even the responses aren't being cached. So, just going back triggers a request to Quora, which isn't ideal.

gi-yt commented 2 years ago

i think the issue was our status.vern.cc page since it was querying a quora question via quora.vern.cc every 60 seconds... i have set the time to 3600 seconds but we already got ratelimited again :P

gi-yt commented 1 year ago

@zyachel it still happened. my final solution is basically blocking farside.link, since it checks whether frontend works too often..

if ($http_user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Farside/0.1.0; +https://farside.link)"){
return 403;
zyachel commented 1 year ago

@gi-yt, perhaps we should talk to the author of farside first? I don't think blocking is the best way since farside isn't a rogue bot. Though in case of Quetre, it often causes Quora to ratelimit the instances.