zyafa / iOSCar

Tool for enabling "iOS in the Car" mode in iOS Simulator
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Correct launch sequence in DP4 #2

Open jvanakker opened 10 years ago

jvanakker commented 10 years ago

Following the three steps mentioned in the instructions, will result in a stuck simulator for me, where icons on the launch screen don't function properly anymore

The correct sequence for enabling the in-car mode in DP4: 1) Build & Run any iOS app in Simulator 2) Skip the step for quitting the app 3) Press the "Enable iOS in the Car" button 3) Quit iOS Simulator entirely 4) Relaunch the (any) iOS app from Xcode into the Simulator 5) Press the white "Home" button on iOS Car sidebar 6) Now the iOS simulator is functioning without getting stuck and WITH iOS Car screen. 7) iPhone simulator may still go to black after a while, but still functions by choosing Hardware -> Home

Although this way it runs and appears to interact with Maps (circle icon appears in upper left corner), nothing will actually show up on the iOS car screen itself in DP4... Anyone?

zyafa commented 10 years ago

Thanks for correct steps, will try to update them asap. Currently there is no way to see something interesting in DP4 (see the bottom line http://zyafa.me/blog/how-to-enable-ios-in-the-car-mode-in-ios-simulator).