zyainfal / One-Shot-Face-Swapping-on-Megapixels

One Shot Face Swapping on Megapixels.
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Dataset preprocess #13

Closed eveningglow closed 3 years ago

eveningglow commented 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for your great work!

I got some questions about dataset preprocess

In the paper, it is written that CelebA, CelebA-HQ, FFHQ, and StyleGAN-generated images are used as training datasets.

All of these datasets are already aligned (e.g., eye location alignment), but I think the alignment can be slightly different for each dataset (e.g., different alignment between CelebA and FFHQ).

Did you apply an additional alignment on these datasets to remove this difference, or just use without an additional alignment?

Thank you!

zyainfal commented 3 years ago

It may train a better model if all faces aligned in the same way, but we didn't do an additional alignment in our experiments.

eveningglow commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your reply!

I got some more questions about the training dataset for FaceForensics ++ experiments,

Thank you!

zyainfal commented 3 years ago

For FaceForensics ++ experiments, all images are resized to 256x256. That is to say, you need a stylegan2 model for 256x256 face generation.

I didn't use those data, but you can use them. It should boost the model performance (even at a small margin).