zychen-ustc / PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors

Zeyuan Chen, Yangchao Wang, Yang Yang and Dong Liu. "PSD: Principled Synthetic-to-Real Dehazing Guided by Physical Priors". IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021.
MIT License
111 stars 18 forks source link

License for this model #4

Closed PINTO0309 closed 2 years ago

PINTO0309 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your wonderful results with us!

I have successfully converted your model to ONNX. If possible, I would like to share this model in my repository, what is the license? My model conversion scripts are released under the MIT license, but the license of the source model itself is subject to the license of the provider repository.

Model format that was successfully converted

  1. ONNX
  2. TensorFlow Lite
  3. TFJS
  4. TFTRT
  5. CoreML
  6. OpenVINO
  7. Myriad Inference Blob
zychen-ustc commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for your interest. Our models are also under the MIT license. Feel free to use them!

PINTO0309 commented 2 years ago

Thank you!!! :smile_cat:

PINTO0309 commented 2 years ago

Just to make sure, I'll let you know that I've committed here. https://github.com/PINTO0309/PINTO_model_zoo/tree/main/139_PSD-Principled-Synthetic-to-Real-Dehazing-Guided-by-Physical-Priors