zyedidia / SFML.jl

A binding of the game and multimedia library SFML for Julia
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get_pixels - wrong size of array returned (with solution) #46

Open pparuzel opened 6 years ago

pparuzel commented 6 years ago

The returned pointer array is not of size imgsize.x * imgsize.y
This is in RGBA so there are 4 values for each pixel.



function get_pixels(image::SFML.Image)
    imgsize = get_size(image)
    ptr = ccall((:sfImage_getPixelsPtr, SFML.libcsfml_graphics), Ptr{UInt8}, (Ptr{Void},), image.ptr)
    # Here multiply by 4
    convert(Array{UInt8}, unsafe_string(ptr, imgsize.x * imgsize.y * 4))