zyedidia / SFML.jl

A binding of the game and multimedia library SFML for Julia
93 stars 22 forks source link

Deprecate repository / archiving repository #54

Open scls19fr opened 5 years ago

scls19fr commented 5 years ago


following https://github.com/zyedidia/SFML.jl/issues/53#issuecomment-459338143 maybe this repository should be marked as "deprecated" (and/or archived)

https://github.blog/2017-11-08-archiving-repositories/ https://medium.com/maintainer-io/how-to-deprecate-a-repository-on-github-8f0ceb9155e

Thanks @zyedidia for the great initial work!

Kind regards

scls19fr commented 5 years ago

Potential users should probably be redirected to https://github.com/JuliaMultimedia/LibCSFML.jl

Gnimuc commented 5 years ago

LibCSFML only has low-level APIs which are not easy to use, @dmolina is planning to rebuild SFML.jl on top of LibCSFML.