zyedidia / micro

A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
MIT License
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Copy & Copy as HTML disabled in menu #3108

Closed RodBarnes closed 6 months ago

RodBarnes commented 6 months ago

Description of the problem or steps to reproduce

Just running micro to open any file Select some text Click "Edit " to open menu. Both "Copy" and "Copy as HTML" are disabled (dimmed) and cannot be selected.

However, using Ctrl-C the copy action works. And, in the terminal itself (not running micro), if I select text "Edit: menu has the "Copy" and :Copy as HTML" options enabled.

NOTE: I would share a screenshot but attempting to do so, fails. While the menu is open, the short-cut keys for screenshots are not recognized and if I click elsewhere (such as to click on the screenshot applet), the menu closes.


Commit hash: I cannot get the Commit hash, only the version $ micro -version Version: 2.0.9 $ micro --version Version: 2.0.9

OS: Linux Mint 21.2

Terminal: GNOME Terminal v3.44.0 for GNOME 42

RodBarnes commented 6 months ago

Closing as not bug. My misunderstanding. I was confused, expecting that the mouse would work on the menus -- which it, of course does, but those are the terminal menus, not the editor. And, since no text is highlighted in the terminal when running in micro, those options are, of course, disabled.