zyedidia / micro

A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
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Micro ignores external plugins. #3117

Open agoodfellow123 opened 6 months ago

agoodfellow123 commented 6 months ago

Description of the problem or steps to reproduce

micro -plugin install filemanager micro -plugin install lsp micro -plugin list Both of them are there but when I run micro neither of them functions.


    "colorscheme": "simple",
    "filemanager-openonstart": true,
    "lsp.autocompleteDetails": false,
    "lsp.formatOnSave": true,
    "lsp.ignoreMessages": "LS message1 to ignore|LS message 2 to ignore|...",
    "lsp.ignoreTriggerCharacters": "completion,signature",
    "lsp.server": "python=pyls,go=gopls,typescript=deno lsp,rust=rust-analyzer",
    "lsp.tabcompletion": true,
    "mkparents": true


Commit hash: 68d88b57 OS: Arch Linux Terminal: Alacritty

niten94 commented 6 months ago

I have not tested and tried using lsp and filemanager much, but there is at least - instead of . in filemanager.openonstart in the help file of filemanager even though that name only is checked in the plugin. There is - instead of . in the option name in the configuration so the file tree is not opened when opening micro. I think you can try changing it as filemanager.openonstart so that it would be opened.

agoodfellow123 commented 6 months ago

That was it for the filemanager thank you, and I'm assuming my system doesn't have suitable lsp for C so that's probably it.