zykrah / kicad-kle-placer

KiCAD plugin to help place switch footprints based on a KLE
MIT License
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Why i cant import the json file. It said cannot find SW1 footprint #8

Open galihpd opened 9 months ago

zykrah commented 9 months ago

You'll have to provide more information, the json would be a good start.

galihpd commented 9 months ago

keyboard-layout.txt im a 3D artist, i dont have that such knowledge in electronics. and i dont use this tools for printing real pcb, i just wanna take the 3D model and bring it to my 3D project. thank you for your support

zykrah commented 9 months ago

No problem, could you also share a screenshot of your schematic? Also, another thing you should keep in mind is that you need to update PCB from schematic (ie have the footprints actually in the pcb editor when you run the script)

nitInundate commented 5 months ago

I'm experiencing a similar issue. I aligned the initial components and run the plugin, however, I also get the same "Cannot find footprint SW1" error. Here is the error pop-up. image

as well as the json file. keyboard-layout.json

The references were sourced from Joe Scotto's repositories. https://github.com/joe-scotto/scottokeebs/tree/main/Extras/ScottoKicad

Apologies as I can't read on what's causing the issue.

zykrah commented 5 months ago

Did you import the footprints into the pcb editor (update PCB from schematic) before you ran the script? the footprints need to be in the actual PCB editor when you run the script

nitInundate commented 5 months ago

Ah I did. Turns out, the problem was occuring within the annotations. A workaround I used is to set the "SW{}" from the plugin to only "S{}". I still get an error, however, after exiting out of the error dialogue, the footprints are configured properly. I know that with that method there would be two "S{}" annotations for both the switches and stabilizers, I assume they would interfere. My guess is that the assets's annotations that I'm using are not compatible with the plugin.

zykrah commented 5 months ago

You can always use the same library as i did, marbastlib. otherwise there might be a way to change the references of the library you're using

RivasMario commented 1 week ago

Had this issue today, completed placement by changing SW{} to MX{}. Have latest marpatlib plugin, following Noah Kisers TKL build. Seems like just a naming convention change.