zylon-ai / private-gpt

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Add support for CodeLlama prompt #1809

Open neofob opened 3 months ago

neofob commented 3 months ago

Currently, we do not have prompt style for CodeLlama model(s).


carlitosmanuelitos commented 2 months ago

any success on getting codellama models to deploy within privategpt with file access?

neofob commented 2 months ago

@carlitosmanuelitos : No luck atm yet.

neofob commented 2 months ago

@carlitosmanuelitos : According to Meta webpage, the prompt looks like this

<s>Source: system

System prompt <step> Source: user

First user query <step> Source: assistant
Model response to first query <step> Source: user

Second user query <step> Source: assistant
Destination: user

I tried to build it with the following code. I got the response but after that it went on to infinite about Ethical consideration and guideline...etc.

The patch looks like this:


+class CodeLlamaPromptStyle(AbstractPromptStyle):
+    def _messages_to_prompt(self, messages: Sequence[ChatMessage]) -> str:
+        prompt = "<s>"
+        for message in messages:
+            role = message.role.lower()
+            content = message.content or ""
+            if role == "user":
+                prompt += f"Source: {role}\n\n "
+                prompt += f"{content.strip()}"
+                prompt += " <step> "
+            elif role == "assistant":
+                prompt += f"Source: {role}\n"
+                prompt += f"{content.strip()}"
+                prompt += " <step> "
+            elif role == "system":
+                prompt += f"Source: {role}\n\n"
+                prompt += f"{content.strip()}"
+                prompt += " <step> "
+        prompt += "Source: assistant\nDestination: user\n\n "
+        return prompt
+    def _completion_to_prompt(self, completion: str) -> str:
+        return self._messages_to_prompt(
+            [ChatMessage(content=completion, role=MessageRole.USER)]
+        )

And CodeLlamaPromptStyle is added to the function get_prompt_style.


diff --git a/private_gpt/settings/settings.py b/private_gpt/settings/settings.py
index b4fd3ca..d2aec9d 100644
--- a/private_gpt/settings/settings.py
+++ b/private_gpt/settings/settings.py
@@ -113,14 +113,19 @@ class LocalSettings(BaseModel):
     embedding_hf_model_name: str = Field(
         description="Name of the HuggingFace model to use for embeddings"
-    prompt_style: Literal["default", "llama2", "tag", "mistral", "chatml"] = Field(
+    prompt_style: Literal["default", "llama2", "tag", "mistral", "codellama", "chatml"] = Field(
             "The prompt style to use for the chat engine. "
             "If `default` - use the default prompt style from the llama_index. It should look like `role: message`.\n"
             "If `llama2` - use the llama2 prompt style from the llama_index. Based on `<s>`, `[INST]` and `<<SYS>>`.\n"
             "If `tag` - use the `tag` prompt style. It should look like `<|role|>: message`. \n"
-            "If `mistral` - use the `mistral prompt style. It shoudl look like <s>[INST] {System Prompt} [/INST]</s>[INST] { UserInstructions } [/INST]"
+            "If `mistral` - use the `mistral prompt style. It should look like <s>[INST] {System Prompt} [/INST]</s>[INST] { UserInstructions } [/INST]"
+            "`codellama` - use `codellama` prompt style. `Source: system \
+            {system_message}<step> \
+            Source: user \
+            {prompt} <step> \
+            Source: assistant` \n"
             "`llama2` is the historic behaviour. `default` might work better with your custom models."

I tried another version where there is \n\n for the role assistant but it is the same result. Something is missing here...

The .json files (config, tokenizer..etc.) are from

The GGUF files are from:

neofob commented 2 months ago

The current agony: