zymex22 / Project-RimFactory-Revived

Project RimFactory Revived
MIT License
45 stars 34 forks source link

belt puller/bug? #150

Closed zymex22 closed 3 years ago

zymex22 commented 4 years ago

Comment from steam bug report forum: Dead_videos

I'm having an awful bug where my pullers or belts seem to get locked into something and can no longer be interacted with in any way. the pullers in question seem to be transporting, placing, or attempting to place an item when i save the game and quit, and upon returning they can no longer be uninstalled, deconstructed, or destroyed, they also no longer function and simply display "Placing [Pending placement]" even when at 0/120 hp. I can't seem to reliably make this happen but from everything i can tell its when i save and quit if the puller is backed up.

this wouldn't be much of an issue but they can't even be removed using Dev Mode. when you try you get this error

Root level exception in OnGUI(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_Base`1[T].<Reset>b__28_0 (Verse.Thing t) [0x00001] in <95de73009e0d49be95d67944edda7d13>:0
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].ForEach (System.Action`1[T] action) [0x00024] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0
at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_Base`1[T].Reset () [0x0000f] in <95de73009e0d49be95d67944edda7d13>:0
at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_ItemPuller.Reset () [0x00001] in <95de73009e0d49be95d67944edda7d13>:0
at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_Base`1[T].DeSpawn (Verse.DestroyMode mode) [0x00001] in <95de73009e0d49be95d67944edda7d13>:0
at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_BaseMachine`1[T].DeSpawn (Verse.DestroyMode mode) [0x00001] in <95de73009e0d49be95d67944edda7d13>:0
at Verse.Thing.Destroy (Verse.DestroyMode mode) [0x00053] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at Verse.ThingWithComps.Destroy (Verse.DestroyMode mode) [0x00007] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Building.DMD<DMD<Destroy_Patch2>?-563810048::Destroy_Patch2>(Verse.Building,Verse.DestroyMode)
at Verse.DebugToolsGeneral.Destroy () [0x00028] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at Verse.DebugTool.DebugToolOnGUI () [0x00018] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at Verse.DebugTools.DebugToolsOnGUI () [0x00007] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at RimWorld.UIRoot_Play.UIRootOnGUI () [0x000b4] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Root.DMD<DMD<OnGUI_Patch1>?-291466752::OnGUI_Patch1>(Verse.Root)
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)

When destroyed by shooting at it you get this error message ( it still just gets brought to 0/120 hp)

Exception ticking Bullet_Revolver767954: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_Base`1[T].<Reset>b__28_0 (Verse.Thing t) [0x00001] in <95de73009e0d49be95d67944edda7d13>:0
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].ForEach (System.Action`1[T] action) [0x00024] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0
at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_Base`1[T].Reset () [0x0000f] in <95de73009e0d49be95d67944edda7d13>:0
at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_ItemPuller.Reset () [0x00001] in <95de73009e0d49be95d67944edda7d13>:0
at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_Base`1[T].DeSpawn (Verse.DestroyMode mode) [0x00001] in <95de73009e0d49be95d67944edda7d13>:0
at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_BaseMachine`1[T].DeSpawn (Verse.DestroyMode mode) [0x00001] in <95de73009e0d49be95d67944edda7d13>:0
at Verse.Thing.Destroy (Verse.DestroyMode mode) [0x00053] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at Verse.ThingWithComps.Destroy (Verse.DestroyMode mode) [0x00007] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Building.DMD<DMD<Destroy_Patch2>?-563810048::Destroy_Patch2>(Verse.Building,Verse.DestroyMode)
at Verse.Thing.Kill (System.Nullable`1[T] dinfo, Verse.Hediff exactCulprit) [0x00000] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at Verse.DamageWorker.Apply (Verse.DamageInfo dinfo, Verse.Thing victim) [0x000d0] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at Verse.DamageWorker_AddInjury.Apply (Verse.DamageInfo dinfo, Verse.Thing thing) [0x0000a] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at Verse.Thing.TakeDamage (Verse.DamageInfo dinfo) [0x000cb] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at RimWorld.Bullet.Impact (Verse.Thing hitThing) [0x0009a] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Projectile.DMD<DMD<ImpactSomething_Patch0>?1830600064::ImpactSomething_Patch0>(Verse.Projectile)
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Projectile.DMD<DMD<Tick_Patch1>?929618688::Tick_Patch1>(Verse.Projectile)
at Verse.TickList.Tick () [0x0015c] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
ZombieLand.Verse_TickManager_TickManagerUpdate_Patch:TickZombies(TickManager, Int32)


My modlist (its a lot)


  • Id: brrainz.harmony Name: Harmony
  • Id: ludeon.rimworld Name: Core
  • Id: ludeon.rimworld.royalty Name: Royalty
  • Id: smashphil.neceros.srtsexpanded Name: SRTS Expanded
  • Id: fluffy.modmanager Name: Mod Manager
  • Id: unlimitedhugs.hugslib Name: HugsLib
  • Id: roolo.giddyupcore Name: Giddy-up! Core
  • Id: mehni.4m Name: 4M Mehni's Misc Modifications
  • Id: com.rimworld.nales.timebaseddangers Name: Time-Based Dangers
  • Id: spoonshortage.adogsaidanimalprosthetics Name: A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics
  • Id: brrainz.achtung Name: Achtung!
  • Id: adjustabletradeships.kv.rw Name: '[KV] Adjustable Trade Ships - 1.1'
  • Id: brrainz.zombieland Name: Zombieland
  • Id: unlimitedhugs.allowtool Name: Allow Tool
  • Id: dylan.animalgear Name: Animal Gear
  • Id: dylan.animalgearbasic Name: Animal Gear Basic
  • Id: supes.autoseller.core Name: Auto Seller
  • Id: lbmaian.begonemessage Name: Begone, Message!
  • Id: falconne.bwm Name: Better Workbench Management
  • Id: uuugggg.buildfrominventory Name: Build From Inventory
  • Id: smashphil.carrycapacityfixed Name: Carry Capacity Fixed
  • Id: mlie.centralizedclimatecontrol Name: Centralized Climate Control (Continued)
  • Id: bdew.cremateautostrip Name: Cremate Auto Strip
  • Id: dismarzero.vgp.cupropandasdrinks Name: CuproPanda's Drinks
  • Id: dracoix.doormat.r11a Name: Door Mat
  • Id: onyxae.dragonsdescent Name: Dragon's Descent
  • Id: dubwise.dubsmintmenus Name: Dubs Mint Menus
  • Id: edb.preparecarefully Name: EdB Prepare Carefully
  • Id: jaxxa.ed.embrasures Name: ED-Embrasures
  • Id: lwm.deepstorage Name: LWM's Deep Storage
  • Id: ykara.epoe Name: Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering
  • Id: wit.expandedroofing Name: Expanded Roofing
  • Id: factioncontrol.kv.rw Name: '[KV] Faction Control - 1.1'
  • Id: alex.friendlyfiretweaks Name: Friendly Fire Tweaks
  • Id: roolo.giddyupbattlemounts Name: Giddy-up! Battle Mounts
  • Id: roolo.giddyupcaravan Name: Giddy-up! Caravan
  • Id: albion.goexplore Name: Go Explore!
  • Id: daniledman.hardworkinganimals Name: Hardworking animals 1.1
  • Id: earthyturtle.letstrade Name: Let's Trade!
  • Id: smashphil.loadinginprogress Name: Loading In Progress
  • Id: generalm13.m13chemfuelgenerators Name: M-13's ChemFuel Generators
  • Id: generalm13.m13geothermalgenerators Name: M-13's Geothermal Generators
  • Id: generalm13.m13solarpanels Name: M-13's Solar Panels
  • Id: generalm13.m13watermillgenerators Name: M-13's Watermill Generators
  • Id: generalm13.m13windturbines Name: M-13's Wind Turbines
  • Id: generalm13.m13woodfiredgenerators Name: M-13's Wood-Fired Generators
  • Id: ratys.madskills Name: Mad Skills
  • Id: uuugggg.mealsonwheels Name: Meals On Wheels
  • Id: mlie.mechanoidpower Name: Mechanoid Power (Continued)
  • Id: notfood.mendandrecycle Name: MendAndRecycle
  • Id: erdelf.minifyeverything Name: MinifyEverything
  • Id: haplo.miscellaneous.weaponrepair Name: Misc. Weapon Repair
  • Id: stolij.morebatteries Name: More Batteries
  • Id: mehni.pickupandhaul Name: Pick Up And Haul
  • Id: tammybee.predatorhuntalert Name: Predator Hunt Alert
  • Id: ogliss.thewhitecrayon.quarry Name: Quarry 1.1
  • Id: woolstrand.realruins Name: Real Ruins
  • Id: uuugggg.replacestuff Name: Replace Stuff
  • Id: notfood.researchpal Name: ResearchPal
  • Id: dubwise.rimatomics Name: Rimatomics
  • Id: cabbage.rimcities Name: RimCities - Citadel Update
  • Id: dubwise.rimefeller Name: Rimefeller
  • Id: halo.rsf Name: 'Rimworld: Spartan Foundry'
  • Id: ratys.rtfuse Name: RT Fuse
  • Id: roolo.runandgun Name: RunAndGun
  • Id: syrchalis.setupcamp Name: '[SYR] Set Up Camp'
  • Id: cucumpear.shear Name: Shear Those Corpses Vanilla
  • Id: petetimessix.simplesidearms Name: Simple sidearms
  • Id: neceros.simpleturrets Name: Simple Turrets
  • Id: uuugggg.smartmedicine Name: Smart Medicine
  • Id: weilbyte.snapout Name: Snap Out!
  • Id: indeed.stackxxl Name: Stack XXL
  • Id: kikohi.tamingartifact Name: Taming Artifact
  • Id: gt.sam.tilledsoil Name: Tilled Soil
  • Id: meow.tradablemeals Name: Tradable Meals
  • Id: meow.tradablestoneblocks Name: Tradable Stone Blocks
  • Id: uuugggg.usebedrolls Name: Use Bedrolls
  • Id: nif.vanillafences Name: Vanilla Fences
  • Id: murmur.walllight Name: Wall Light
  • Id: dubwise.dubspaintshop Name: Dub's Paint Shop
  • Id: jaxxa.enhanceddevelopment.shields Name: ED-Shields
  • Id: sarg.alphaanimals Name: Alpha Animals
  • Id: uuugggg.sharetheload Name: Share The Load
  • Id: ogliss.ykara.harvesteverything Name: Harvest Everything!
  • Id: smuffle.harvestorganspostmortem Name: Harvest Organs Post Mortem
  • Id: dingo.deeporeidentifier Name: Deep Ore Identifier
  • Id: syrchalis.doormats Name: '[SYR] Doormats'
  • Id: bob.draggablecornerss Name: '[1.1]DraggableCorners'
  • Id: saakra.empire Name: Empire
  • Id: vambypants111.epichrivers Name: Epic Rivers
  • Id: rusticfox.ffgrenades Name: Firefoam Grenades [1.0/1.1]
  • Id: k.glitternet Name: GlitterNet
  • Id: erdelf.humanoidalienraces Name: Humanoid Alien Races 2.0
  • Id: dropbearninja.impassablechestdeepwater Name: Impassable Chest-deep Water
  • Id: co.uk.epicguru.ingamewiki Name: In-game wiki
  • Id: brrainz.justignoremepassing Name: Just Ignore Me Passing
  • Id: mlie.mechanoidmasterblaster Name: Mechanoid Master Blaster (Continued)
  • Id: spino.mechanoidsextraordinaire Name: Mechanoids Extraordinaire
  • Id: neceros.metaldontburn Name: Metal Don't Burn
  • Id: haplo.miscellaneous.robots Name: Misc. Robots
  • Id: alaestor.miscrobots.plusplus Name: Misc. Robots++
  • Id: orion.moremechanoids Name: More Mechanoids
  • Id: oblitus.mylittleplanet Name: My Little Planet
  • Id: spdskatr.projectrimfactory Name: Project RimFactory Revived
  • Id: mlie.rationalromance Name: '[RF] Rational Romance (Continued)'
  • Id: kentington.saveourship2 Name: Save Our Ship 2
  • Id: wemd.simpleconcrete Name: '[WD] Simple Concrete'
  • Id: atlas.androidtiers Name: Android tiers
  • Id: chjees.androids Name: Androids
  • Id: neceros.antigrain Name: Antigrain
  • Id: co.uk.epicguru.antimatterannihilation Name: Antimatter Annihilation
  • Id: razor2.3.anotherrimworldmod.autocutblight Name: Auto-Cut Blight
  • Id: mlie.simplymorebridges Name: Simply More Bridges (Continued)
  • Id: pinochemicali.skilledstonecutting Name: Skilled Stonecutting
  • Id: sirrandoo.msf Name: Solar Flares Affect Mechanoids
  • Id: antisodium.sos2starsector Name: 'SOS2 Enemy Ship Extension: StarSector'
  • Id: alkolyte.spawners Name: Spawners and Drones
  • Id: shazbot.srts.rc Name: 'SRTS Expanded: RotorCraft'
  • Id: rsev.synergistictraits Name: Synergistic Traits
  • Id: ghxx.techadvancing Name: Tech Advancing
  • Id: grimm.unlimited Name: Un-Limited
  • Id: nephlite.orbitaltradecolumn Name: Utility Columns
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vappe Name: Vanilla Apparel Expanded
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.varme Name: Vanilla Armour Expanded
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vee Name: Vanilla Events Expanded
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vfecore Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vfeart Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vfefarming Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vfemedical Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vfepower Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vfeproduction Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vfepropsanddecor Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vfesecurity Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vfespacer Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
  • Id: vse.perrypersistent Name: Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Perry Persistent
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vwe Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vwel Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser
  • Id: vanillaexpanded.vweq Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw
  • Id: mlie.wehadatrader Name: We Had a Trader? (Continued)
  • Id: bodlosh.weaponstats Name: WeaponStats
  • Id: owlchemist.optimizationmeats Name: 'Optimization: Meats'


lilwhitemouse commented 4 years ago

Does this person get any red errors on loading the saved game? I bet they get red errors on load.

Sn1p3rr3c0n commented 4 years ago

@lilwhitemouse Update form Dead_videos on Steam

i do get error messages on load, but its the same three looped infinitely until the log stops logging. i have 2 belts, and 6 wall item pullers that all have this issue now on this save. If there are any other red errors these 3 looping delete everything else before i can react.

Exception drawing Building_AutoMachineTool_BeltConveyor185012: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_BeltConveyor.Draw () [0x0003d] in <95de73009e0d49be95d67944edda7d13>:0 at Verse.DynamicDrawManager.DrawDynamicThings () [0x000d8] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0 Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean) Verse.DynamicDrawManager:DrawDynamicThings() Verse.Map:DMD<DMD?992219648::MapUpdate_Patch2>(Map) Verse.Game:DMD<DMD?-1195887872::UpdatePlay_Patch2>(Game) Verse.Root_Play:DMD<DMD?-1930718720::Update_Patch1>(Root_Play)

Exception drawing ThingOverlay for Building_AutoMachineTool_BeltConveyor185009: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_BeltConveyor.DrawGUIOverlay () [0x00098] in <95de73009e0d49be95d67944edda7d13>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingOverlays.DMD<DMD?-711034752::ThingOverlaysOnGUI_Patch1>(Verse.ThingOverlays) Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean) Verse.ThingOverlays:DMD<DMD?-711034752::ThingOverlaysOnGUI_Patch1>(ThingOverlays) RimWorld.MapInterface:DMD<DMD?-452528896::MapInterfaceOnGUI_BeforeMainTabs_Patch1>(MapInterface) RimWorld.UIRoot_Play:UIRootOnGUI() Verse.Root:DMD<DMD?955994112::OnGUI_Patch1>(Root)

Exception drawing ThingOverlay for Building_AutoMachineTool_BeltConveyor185012: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ProjectRimFactory.AutoMachineTool.Building_BeltConveyor.DrawGUIOverlay () [0x00098] in <95de73009e0d49be95d67944edda7d13>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingOverlays.DMD<DMD?-711034752::ThingOverlaysOnGUI_Patch1>(Verse.ThingOverlays) Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean) Verse.ThingOverlays:DMD<DMD?-711034752::ThingOverlaysOnGUI_Patch1>(ThingOverlays) RimWorld.MapInterface:DMD<DMD?-452528896::MapInterfaceOnGUI_BeforeMainTabs_Patch1>(MapInterface) RimWorld.UIRoot_Play:UIRootOnGUI() Verse.Root:DMD<DMD?955994112::OnGUI_Patch1>(Root)

It also appears that the more of these bugged conveyors and pullers i get, the longer it takes to load, because my base hasn't changed much since the first occurrence and now. and it easily takes 3 times longer to load.

lilwhitemouse commented 3 years ago

This will be fixed in new conveyors version: all carried items are unspawned, all the time.