zynaddsubfx / user-manual

User manual (this may or may not get merged into zynaddsubfx/zynaddsubfx's doc dir)
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Can we have chapter links in adoc? #3

Open unfa opened 6 years ago

unfa commented 6 years ago

I am wondering how can or should we handle self-linking.

Say we briefly mention Macro Learn in a chapter about user interface - it'd be good to add a reference linking to the chapter devoted to Macro Learn if the user wants to go there.

I think that ideal references would work in two ways:

Provide textual information that the user can process and execute himself ("More in chapter 8.3") and provide a hypertext link that will let him jump there immediately or open the relevant chapter in a new browser tab.

I don't know how can we do this in Asciidoc. Any ideas?

fundamental commented 6 years ago

I think you're looking for http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#internal-cross-references . There might be some more work to expand upon this though.

unfa commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I tried using that, but it doesn't seem to do what I wanted. I would guess that from the level of Manual.adoc all references placed in chapter files should be interpreted like they are in a single document. I tried this:

 TIP: you can learn more about this in the <<Global Settings>> chapter.

trying to reference a chapter name in Settings.adoc:

 === Global Settings

But it links me back to the top of the document instead. I probably didn't do it right.

fundamental commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I tried using that, but it doesn't seem to do what I wanted.

That's odd. I guess I'll have to experiement around with that feature a bit since I haven't use those sorts of internal-links within asciidoc before.

celestehorgan commented 6 years ago


By default, most "cross references" are actually cross references within the same .adoc file. To cross reference to another adoc file's section, you need to be using Asciidoctor.

To make this work, we'd need to create an anchor link to the section in Settings.adoc :)