zynaddsubfx / zyn-fusion-issues

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Parameter Conversion from Integer to Floating Point #206

Open dsheeler opened 5 years ago

dsheeler commented 5 years ago


Issue #137


Old parameters were restricted to ranges of integers and were translated to relevant units and values within the code, e.g., for volume, old parameters might range from 0-127 which would translate within the code to -60dB to 20dB. New parameters can be floating point and reflect the true values of the parameter as used in the code. This task will take old style, integer based parameters and convert them to new style parameters.


Install oscprompt, zyn-fusion, and zynaddsubfx. For development, will need to fork these repos: zynaddsubfx, mruby-zest, and osc-bridge

Find parameter:

Run zynaddsubfx, oscprompt., and zyn-fusion. Adjust desired ui element, and in oscprompt, note which port reflects the changes.



The files to edit in zyn depend on the path of the parameter. A path will consist of something of this form: /part#/kit#/synthpars/.... 'synthpars' can be: adpars, subpars, or padpars. If the value is adpars, then the following files will generally need modification: src/Params/ADnoteParameters.cpp, src/Params/ADnoteParameters.h, and src/Synth/ADnote.cpp. Similar files exist for each synth. An example of the changes to zyn are in this commit: https://github.com/zynaddsubfx/zynaddsubfx/commit/557629897f97ea9f7ec05f35720bf08d22354bd5


In mruby-zest, edit appropriate file to update name and type (float) of the ui element example/ZynAmpGeneral.qml: https://github.com/mruby-zest/mruby-zest/commit/cb2506934bfdde19069a9268601de11de3500173


Must generate new schema/test.json file.

Test Suite:

Must create a new version of src/Tests/guitar-adnote.xmz, and run the test suite again.

Pull Request:

Will need to make a pull request on all three repositories, zynaddsubfx, mruby-zest, and osc-bridge.

souvik3333 commented 5 years ago

Hi, Can I work on this?

fundamental commented 5 years ago

On 03-18, Souvik Mandal wrote:

Hi, Can I work on this?

Sure. Multiple people can work on this issue with different parameters.

withoutwaxaryan commented 5 years ago

Hi , I would like to work on this issue. However , I wasn't able to find how to install oscprompt as mentioned in the setup requirements .Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.

dsheeler commented 5 years ago


Did you try installing that, yet? If so, where are you having trouble?

Hi , I would like to work on this issue. However , I wasn't able to find how to install oscprompt as mentioned in the setup requirements .Any help would be appreciated.Thanks.

withoutwaxaryan commented 5 years ago

I am not understanding how to 'install'.. I open this repository, and follow the Guide.txt at https://github.com/fundamental/oscprompt/blob/master/doc/Guide.txt . it says to build, I did that.. however when i type oscprompt in terminal ,it says ' command not found'.

fundamental commented 5 years ago

if you built it, then the binary should be in the build directory. You don't have to do a system install of it if you prefer, but you either need to run the tool from the build directory or install it and use it from your system's path.