zynerd / RevertSteam

Reverts Steam back to the version prior to the Library UI update.
The Unlicense
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No longer works #5

Open Myrkie opened 4 years ago

Myrkie commented 4 years ago

Steam now reboots into the new library ui regardless of using this tool or the separate files

Run program and patch steam then boots into the new library ui before applying patch

molitar commented 4 years ago

Can someone please fix this? The old files seem to be floating around so can someone please fix this I am unable to play any of my games anymore since a steam crashed and it had to be reinstalled. :(

If someone has old working UI library can probably use a software like Beyond Compare and archive the old files than just extract over the new.

Myrkie commented 4 years ago

I totally forgot I used this tool at all and reinstalled when I was in a rush to play

Myrkie commented 4 years ago

seems to package folder is no longer even used by steam anymore

molitar commented 4 years ago

Actually it still is as I see it while updating updating with new file names.. the 2 xml files does not seem to be used anymore to tell it what to install.

So if someone still has the old working UI library than they could archive all but the sub folders config, steam, and steamapps. I believe we maybe able to use Beyond Compare to determine what files were changed and overwrite them with the archived version to get the Old UI Library back. But need someone that still has the old Steam Library UI.

Know anybody that has it still that has not reinstalled?

Myrkie commented 4 years ago

seems to UI is now served from the ClientUi folder now removing that folder bricks the entire library UI so yes if we could get these files wouldn't be to hard to update this tool to download the new ones from a new page and overwrite

going to check with some friends to see if anyone else has the old UI

molitar commented 4 years ago

Hopefully some of your friends has it..

Myrkie commented 4 years ago

agreed and hopefully they didn't completely patch this as when I reinstalled it was because steam was failing to download file updates and was in a rush to play so hopefully that update was just a fluke

molitar commented 4 years ago

well it still worked for me as I had made the package folder read only.. so it could not update.. it was not until my steam crashed had an error that I had to reinstall :(

molitar commented 4 years ago

agreed and hopefully they didn't completely patch this as when I reinstalled it was because steam was failing to download file updates and was in a rush to play so hopefully that update was just a fluke

Any luck on finding a friend that has the original version? If I had the archive I can use Beyond Compare and find out what files changed. I expect it's some dll or sys files that has the code to block being able to run with old UI. I also expect they added new files and them will have to be removed. If we can only get an archive to work from where it still worked.

Myrkie commented 4 years ago

Havent had any lucky finding friends still on the old version sadly if I had the files wouldnt be hard to edit Revert Steam to just overwrite files since its wrote in Csharp

luclu7 commented 4 years ago

TL;DR, but I still have my "old" installation, but you can't start game like CS:GO anymore, it asks you to restart Steam to update. :(

Myrkie commented 4 years ago

can you send over its files for the main install directory if you do obviously dont include the steamapps folder and dont include to two files that start with ssfn and userdata the ssfn files are steam security files and store your steam guard and machine identification with these files anyone could authenticated into your account without requiring that forum of identification example files being

ssfn38942997300211794 ssfn6969601904129387765

luclu7 commented 4 years ago

I zipped it and uploaded to luclu7.fr/pub/Steam.pub.zip. I hope it's what you need.

Myrkie commented 4 years ago

seem to be having issues getting this to properly start ill have to figure this out later today when im more free thanks for providing the files

Myrkie commented 4 years ago

not having any luck so im starting to think its either a registry change aswell or steam servers is now blocking this version from authicating as it hangs on loading steamprofile

molitar commented 4 years ago

Good chance it's a single dll or sys file that changed for the connection. Try Beyond Compare trial by Scooter Software to compare

Myrkie commented 4 years ago

thats my guess and yeah I tried using Beyond but ive never used it before so I dont exactly understand its output my guess is that its the steamclientUI.dll but steam refuses to start inless the dll is paired properly with the DLL

Myrkie commented 4 years ago

went to reddit for some insight and seems that on june 8th 2 days after I created this thread and when my steam stopped working steam has changed something internally that doesn't allow for the old UI to function anymore requiring an update R/Steam Library UI

ill leave this thread open for any who wish to add or find a solution but I dont see one happening

Myrkie commented 4 years ago

so the thread user neyodaz made a point of using this launch command with a shortcut for minimalist steam "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -console -nofriendsui -no-browser +open "steam://open/minigameslist"

and even brings back the old chat but using the steam page is now completly impossible because of the -no-browser parameter

Jonius7 commented 4 years ago

not having any luck so im starting to think its either a registry change aswell or steam servers is now blocking this version from authicating as it hangs on loading steamprofile

Yeah I believe the main reason is the package format change has been implemented in the client. https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamAppInfo

It might also be this: https://twitter.com/SteamDB/status/1268252532746395654?s=20

For me, on June 18, I could log in but the client with the old UI would never show up. So I am now customising the CSS to make the new UI less terrible

molitar commented 4 years ago

not having any luck so im starting to think its either a registry change aswell or steam servers is now blocking this version from authicating as it hangs on loading steamprofile

Yeah I believe the main reason is the package format change has been implemented in the client. https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamAppInfo

It might also be this: https://twitter.com/SteamDB/status/1268252532746395654?s=20

For me, on June 18, I could log in but the client would never show up. So I am now customising the CSS to make the new UI less terrible

Are you able to get back the layout with small horizontal grid or at least horizontal layout and not the photo layout that makes the images clash so bad that I get a headache to look at it. Also anything you can do about the Whats new? Make it collapsible or make it so tiny you can't see it as it appears nobody has found a way to hide it completely anymore.

molitar commented 4 years ago

Ok the progress I was able to determine that you can get it to load without doing update checks and the only file that matters is this one.

\Program Files (x86)\Steam\bin\cef\cef.win7x64\v8_context_snapshot.bin

This single file is responsible for the entire layout of the browser.

Myrkie commented 4 years ago

yeah CEF is the browser type Cerf Sharp browser is chromium based and is an alternative to electron based app development with a browser backend

Jonius7 commented 4 years ago

not having any luck so im starting to think its either a registry change aswell or steam servers is now blocking this version from authicating as it hangs on loading steamprofile

Yeah I believe the main reason is the package format change has been implemented in the client. https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamAppInfo It might also be this: https://twitter.com/SteamDB/status/1268252532746395654?s=20 For me, on June 18, I could log in but the client would never show up. So I am now customising the CSS to make the new UI less terrible

Are you able to get back the layout with small horizontal grid or at least horizontal layout and not the photo layout that makes the images clash so bad that I get a headache to look at it. Also anything you can do about the Whats new? Make it collapsible or make it so tiny you can't see it as it appears nobody has found a way to hide it completely anymore.

Discussion here of progress: https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/0/2451595019863406679/

I've shrunk the game list on the left sidebar to show more games, and on the game page swapped the columns around, so, Friends played, Achievements, Screenshots, gets a lot more space.

Removal of the What's New is fairly simple using CSS, just set it to display:none. To have it collapsible would need JavaScript, I am running into limitations of CSS modification only. Unless someone knows how to inject JavaScript on client page load or edit minified JS, I am limited to just editing CSS for now.

I mean, you cou manually open the Chrome Dev tools and inject JS via the console that way.

Trying to bring back the old Grid and List view would likely require JS.

molitar commented 4 years ago

I just read this on a Steam thread posted on 6/29

`Guys, I think the old client can still live on a while longer...

I pasted in my old packageinfo.vdf file into the appcache folder and the old client works again, haven't encountered any problems. Games that rely on things from the new client will still be broken in some manner.

Websearched packageinfo.vdf and found this: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/SteamAppInfo#packageinfovdf

They made a converter to do edits to the packageinfo.vdf allowing you to use the old Steam client.

The thread started here https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SteamClientBeta/discussions/3/1607148447829468911/?ctp=346

Jonius7 commented 4 years ago

I have moved onto the new UI since mid June when they first had those package errors. But not without making CSS changes first. If you used the old list or grid view, it is hard to recreate that in the new client without some JS (which I still haven't found someone knowing how to do), but otherwise everything terrible about the new UI can be customised with CSS.
