zynine- / HDHRViewerV2.bundle

HDHomeRun + Plex
MIT License
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Unable to see channel icons after zap2it downloads them #9

Closed fireheadman closed 7 years ago

fireheadman commented 7 years ago

OSX, El Capitan (v10.11.6) Plex Media Server (v1.2.2.2857)

Have the following in place: zap2it account active zap2it.pl uses config file to pull/create data (provides user/passwd/cache/icon/outfile) zap2it.pl creates icon dir, cache dir, xmltv.xml file, crontab log (output) channel-guide-app-0.0.4 running (w/daily restart via health check script) HDHRViewer.bundle (v0.8.1) put in ~/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/plugins/

I see the created icon dir w/plenty of channel icons... however when I goto Plex->Channels->HDHR Viewer2->All Channels I do not see the icons (only green/white Plex icons)

For HDHR View2 settings I have: XMLTV Mode: restapi XMLTV File Location: points to xmltv.xml location (this works since I can see episode info) XMLTV API URL: default (since localhost is where it runs) XMLTV Match by channel: number Channel Logo match by channel: number

I have played with toggling the "Channel Logo match by channel" to every option and do not see the icons..... What am I missing here?

Thanks Ben

fireheadman commented 7 years ago

Please let me know if additional information is required to troubleshoot.

zynine- commented 7 years ago

Do you want TV station icon or Program icon?

For program icon, use the -I option on zap2xml.

For TV station icon using -i flag, you have to copy it directly into the Plugin Resource Folder with certain formatting.

fireheadman commented 7 years ago

thank you for the reply... I actually wasn't aware of the Program Icon option... I will have to check that out.

I did end up finding the location late last night about the location: /Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/plugins/HDHRViewerV2.bundle/Contents/Resources/

This is not very well documented. Also might add, I had to search to find the size, which is 240x140px for the logo. (believe that is correct).... I ended up searching/downloading custom PNG logos and using GIMP to resize them.

fireheadman commented 7 years ago

Looks like -l is not valid for program icons..... per the usage

Usage: zap2xml.pl [-OPTIONS [-MORE_OPTIONS]] [--] [PROGRAM_ARG1 ...]

The following single-character options are accepted: With arguments: -A -c -C -d -E -i -l -J -m -n -N -o -p -P -r -s -S -t -u -Y -Z Boolean (without arguments): -? -a -b -D -e -F -g -I -j -L -M -O -q -T -U -w -x -z

Options may be merged together. -- stops processing of options. Space is not required between options and their arguments. [Now continuing due to backward compatibility and excessive paranoia. See 'perldoc Getopt::Std' about $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION.] zap2xml zap2xml@gmail.com (2016-05-21) -u -p -d <# of days> (default = 7) -n <# of no-cache days> (from end) (default = 0) -N <# of no-cache days> (from start) (default = 0) -s (default = 0) -o (default = "xmltv.xml") -c (default = "cache") -l (default = "en") -i (default = don't download channel icons) -m <#> = offset program times by # minutes (better to use TZ env var) -b = retain website channel order -x = output XTVD xml file format (default = XMLTV) -w = wait on exit (require keypress before exiting) -q = quiet (no status output) -r <# of connection retries before failure> (default = 3, max 20) -e = hex encode entities (html special characters like accents) -E "amp apos quot lt gt" = selectively encode standard XML entities -F = output channel names first (rather than "number name") -O = use old tv_grab_na style channel ids (C###nnnn.zap2it.com) -A "new live" = append " *" to program titles that are "new" and/or "live" -M = copy movie_year to empty movie sub-title tags -U = UTF-8 encoding (default = "ISO-8859-1") -L = output "" tag (not part of xmltv.dtd) -T = don't cache files containing programs with "\bTBA\b|To Be Announced" titles -P http://proxyhost:port = to use an http proxy -C (default = "/Users/piraro/.zap2xmlrc") -S <#seconds> = sleep between requests to prevent flooding of server -D = include details = 1 extra http request per program! -I = include icons (image URLs) - 1 extra http request per program! -J = include xmltv file in output -Y (if not using username/password) -Z (if not using username/password) -z = use tvguide.com instead of zap2it.com -a = output all channels (not just favorites) on tvguide.com -j = add "series" category to all non-movie programs

zynine- commented 7 years ago

capital i.

-I = include icons (image URLs) - 1 extra http request per program!

fireheadman commented 7 years ago

thank you... again. Always nice to have a second set of eyes.