zyro23 / grails-spring-websocket

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Does it work with grails 3.3.3 ? #60

Closed Nichlas-Lendal-Nine closed 6 years ago

Nichlas-Lendal-Nine commented 6 years ago

Does it work with grails 3.3.3 ? I got stuck where my client (frontend) was getting a 404 status from the backend on /stomp/info?some=parameter.

I ended op actually wiring up the configuration and the plugin my self - and it startet working?

Dont know if i did something wrong or if it is not supported by grails 3.3.3 atm?

erichelgeson commented 6 years ago

I'm using it in Grails 3.3.3 without issues - maybe post a sample project that shows the issue?

Nichlas-Lendal-Nine commented 6 years ago

Issue Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () : 8080/stomp/info

Note: I was using Chrome - and the abose is the console output from developer tools.

Steps to reproduce

  1. grails create-app NAME --profile=web
  2. add dependency "compile "org.grails.plugins:grails-spring-websocket:2.4.0"
  3. Add the index.gsp from your README.md
  4. Add the ExampleController from your README.md
  5. gradlew bootRun
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:8080

Sample project https://github.com/Nichlas-Lendal-Nine/GRAILS-SPRING-WEBSOCKET-ISSUE

I somehow thinks its something about the configuration not beeing wired.

zyro23 commented 6 years ago

thank you for the sample app. could reproduce and fix the issue (see 0bec520c7a).

just pushed a 2.4.1 that works as expected.

cause was that it seems while the 2.4.0.M1 release was properly built, for the 2.4.0 build the boot gradle plugin bootRepackage task kicked in, restructuring/blowing up the jar. i do not know why/how that happened as between 2.4.0.M1 and 2.4.0 i only fiddled with the readme and the release process was/is the same. however, for now, explicitly disabling the bootRepackage task helped. i ran your sample app with 2.4.1 and it looks/works fine.

ill keep this one open for a bit - would be kind if you would close it after verifying the fix.

sorry for the inconvenience..

Nichlas-Lendal-Nine commented 6 years ago

Just verified that version 2.4.1 works as expected. Thank you.

wiggitamoo commented 4 years ago

When running Nichlas' steps to reproduce on 2.4.1, I see the following error.

Uncaught ReferenceError: webstomp is not defined
zyro23 commented 4 years ago

please refer to the readme on the 2.4.x branch. webstomp.js support was introduced with 2.5.0.

wiggitamoo commented 4 years ago

Thanks @zyro23, that was my problem.