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YI - Change Requests #238

Open Vishakvm opened 3 years ago

Vishakvm commented 3 years ago

Website Changes

1) Increase the logo size ( can refer to old website) 2) Single line banner text in the home page, 3 images in the banner, replace these images with the images we have shared. 3) Hyperlink to other tabs in the banner image( tabs to be hyperlinked will be given) 4) Instagram icon color change if it could be possible 5) The color in our products add to cart changes to black when the cursor is placed, can we have it to green? 6) Watsapp icon is not seen can we have it brighter 7) Prices on an online course on the home page can be removed 8) Can we have 1 course from each stream like 1 from astronomy, one from aeromodelling, and one from robotics? 9) At the bottom. copyright change @2020 to @2011( to be put as 2011 only)

About us 1) We need our teaching methodology tab above, meet the team, content is shared by us. 2) Can we have different images for each achievement in our achievements? 3) Advisory members need to be in honeycomb format like the old website home page and a new tab should open when we click on it to know their details. 4) Capture form for robotics lab and tinkering lab 5) Only Praagya and Young Achiever award in our achievements 6) Alumni talk and medals will go to testimonials 7) Pragya details should pop up when we click on that

Our Products 1) Update the product descriptions sent by us 2) Number of products in the products tab increase to 10 3) Remove compare option from products 4) The price list will be mailed separately in 2-3 days can add that.

Online Course Tab: 1) No banner image 2) When we go to an online course, we get Home/Blog/Astronomy in the left corner, what does the blog specify there? 3) The images are not uniformly put! Please check on the same and update them 4) Can we have 1 course from each stream like 1 from astronomy, one from aeromodelling, and one from robotics?

K-12 Learning 1) Change the text to the K-12 program 2) Banner images are updated, you can take it from them

Contact Us 1) The banner image needs to be changed 2) Go through the Text alignment once, it is not proper below the registered office heading 3) The feedback form template needs to be changed 4) Email-id is info@younginnovators.in

Mobile View

Vishakvm commented 3 years ago

First 8 points under website changes heading are done.

Vishakvm commented 3 years ago

Pending tasks from the above list

kruthinarayan commented 3 years ago

working on online courses content update

kruthinarayan commented 3 years ago

Aeromodelling: Content updation

Construct and Learn - Done RC Glider - Done Control Line - Done Glider Construction - Done

Vishakvm commented 3 years ago

Working on

All other are done

kruthinarayan commented 3 years ago

Astronomy: Working on content updation

kruthinarayan commented 3 years ago


Basic Module - Done Module 2 - Done Module 3 - Done (Lessons 11 but mentioned as 22 lectures) Module 4 - Done (Need clarifications for lessons count and weeks)

kruthinarayan commented 3 years ago


Electricity, Electronics and Robotics - Learn by Building - Done Advanced Robotics- build a Communication based robot - Done Introduction to RF Technology with a hand gesture robot - Done Tinkercad for beginners- Create your first circuit online and simulate it - Done

Vishakvm commented 3 years ago

Today worked on

All the changes are done and sent it for the client review.

Vishakvm commented 3 years ago

Review chnages 06/11/2020

Time Estimation - 8 hrs

Vishakvm commented 3 years ago

Products page changes are done

Vishakvm commented 3 years ago

All the changes are done. Will inform client about these changes

Vishakvm commented 3 years ago

Today's tasks - 11/11/2020

Working on Slider & mobile view changes. Others are done.

Rajathmr commented 3 years ago

Tasks Done:

Tasks in progress:

Tasks to be completed:

kruthinarayan commented 3 years ago

Need to add product images to

Rajathmr commented 3 years ago

Tasks done:

Rajathmr commented 3 years ago


Vishakvm commented 3 years ago

Uploaded missing images & tested the entire site. Site is delivered to client. So moving this task to done.

Rajathmr commented 3 years ago
Rajathmr commented 3 years ago