zywh / mapleapp

MapleCity App Ionic2 and Angular2
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Social Sharing #16

Open zywh opened 8 years ago

zywh commented 8 years ago

Cordova socialshare plugin is used. Need emulator to test. It can share either using native sharing window or sharing by app ID like wechat. Need verify

project-details create a sharing button in nav bar

zywh commented 8 years ago

Nav bar

<ion-navbar *navbar>
  <ion-buttons end>
  <button  (click)="share('Project Title', 'Project Detail', null, 'https://m.maplecity.com.cn')">
  <ion-icon isActive="false" name="share" ></ion-icon>


share(message, subject, file, link) {
       // this.platform.ready().then(() => {
            //window.plugins.socialsharing.share(message, subject, file, link);
            SocialSharing.share(message, subject, file, link);

       // });


Blog from developer


zywh commented 8 years ago

wechat sharing works fine in IOS but not Android