zyzdev / flutter_street_view

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Markers #1

Closed SagarDhiman018 closed 2 years ago

SagarDhiman018 commented 2 years ago

Hi author, Thanks for the package, Can i put markers in street view with this package? If yes, please let me know the steps. Thanks in advance.

zyzdev commented 2 years ago

@SagarDhiman018 No, the flutter_google_street_view plugin not support adding marker.

Is the feature 'put markers in street view' like this?

zyzdev commented 2 years ago

Close this issue here. Version 2.2.0, add feature putting marker to street view, but iOS only. Because this feature was supported on Maps SDK for iOS.

poqueque commented 2 years ago

Are there any plans to implement Markers for Android? It looks it's also supported Maps SDK for Android

zyzdev commented 2 years ago

Are there any plans to implement Markers for Android? It looks it's also supported Maps SDK for Android

I didn't find any intruduction of adding marker to street view for android.(Maps SDK for Android) Could you tell me the chapter?