zyzdev / flutter_street_view

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Track Maps SDK calls? #19

Open davoutuk opened 1 year ago

davoutuk commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to track the number of Maps SDK calls made by this package? Is there an event I can use to handle this?

zyzdev commented 1 year ago

I guess the count of instantiation panorama makes you worry about the billing. If yes, v3.0.0 can help you. For android and iOS, v3.0.0 add reusing feature to reduce the count of instantiation panorama. Web included this feature at v2.1.0 already.

davoutuk commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this, but does the 'flutter_street_view' component expose any way of tracking that API usage? I'm thinking of an event that could be used to track each time the API is called.

In my app I want to sell access to 'street view' as an in app purchase. But to manage this I need a way of collecting how often a user consumes that service.