zzag / kwin-effects-yet-another-magic-lamp

Just Yet Another Magic Lamp effect
GNU General Public License v2.0
162 stars 26 forks source link

Too dark window shadows #15

Closed Kauramaito closed 4 years ago

Kauramaito commented 4 years ago

Big thanks for creating this beautiful effect! However there appears to be a small bug which causes window shadows to seem darker/stronger while the effect is running. It isn't really noticeable against dark wallpapers, but with lighter ones it is pretty apparent. This problem has persisted since the beginning and switching the blend function back in January made it little less noticeable, but it definitely is still there.

Unfortunately I don't know how to approach this issue since I know nothing about OpenGL myself.

A quick comparison video: Magic Lamp (default): https://imgur.com/a/pZjms00 Yet Another Magic Lamp: https://imgur.com/a/xubI74d

zzag commented 4 years ago

Please post output of

qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation
Kauramaito commented 4 years ago

Here is the output: https://pastebin.com/PxbZZw32

Kauramaito commented 4 years ago

After upgrading to Plasma 5.17 this issue simply vanished! I have no idea what was causing it, but now the "bug" appears to be completely gone!

zzag commented 4 years ago

That's weird... No change in 5.17 comes to my mind that could somehow fix this bug.

Anyway, I close this issue because the reported bug has vanished.

Kauramaito commented 4 years ago

I was tweaking with the settings of this effect (duration, grid resolution etc) and after pressing "Defaults" -button this bug came back. The problem persist even after clearing cache files, rebooting and reinstalling.

However not all windows are affected. Discover and some configuration windows (ie. Desktop wallpaper, Kate and Konsole settings...) display their shadows just fine.

I wish I could provide more meaningful insight to this issue.

Kauramaito commented 4 years ago

I found the cause of the problem! Turns out something wonky happens when using "Yet Another Magic Lamp" with "Shapecorners" effect! Upgrading Plasma caused "Shapecorners" to get disabled which is why the issue appeared to vanish. This issue apparently has nothing to do with "Yet Another Magic Lamp".

Sorry about the confusion! And thanks for creating such a beautiful effect!

zzag commented 4 years ago

That's a great discovery!

Upgrading Plasma caused "Shapecorners" to get disabled which is why the issue appeared to vanish.

Sounds sensible.