zzangjinsun / NLSPN_ECCV20

Park et al., Non-Local Spatial Propagation Network for Depth Completion, ECCV, 2020
MIT License
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losses and results #27

Closed Wenchao-Du closed 3 years ago

Wenchao-Du commented 3 years ago

Hi, this is a interesting work for depth estimation, i have some problems in your project:

  1. losses from final prediction, why do not add a loss for initial prediction in your training instead of only final supervision, and have you tried it in trianing?
  2. i have tried the released model for kitti dataset, but i got the wrong results that RMSE & MAE > 10000(mm), my env is python=3.6 torch=1.6 torchvision=0.7 on ubuntu 16.04, thanks
zzangjinsun commented 3 years ago
  1. I tried supervision on the initial depth but I thought it was too strong so refinement from the propagation was not good enough.

  2. Are you using the same arguments for testing?

python main.py --dir_data PATH_TO_KITTI_DC --data_name KITTIDC --split_json ../data_json/kitti_dc.json \ --patch_height 240 --patch_width 1216 --gpus 0,1,2,3 --max_depth 90.0 --num_sample 0 \ --test_only --pretrain ../results/NLSPN_KITTI_DC.pt --preserve_input --save NAME_TO_SAVE --legacy

You might miss some arguments such as --num_sample 0 or --legacy

Wenchao-Du commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your reply, the initial prediction brings more uncertainty if without supervision. If different weights for initial and final predictions are tried by you? For testing, I ignored the legency param and tested on the single GPU.

zzangjinsun commented 3 years ago

I haven't tried weighting between the initial and the final predictions.

For the pretrained models, --legacy flag is essential. Please try with that option.

Wenchao-Du commented 3 years ago

Thanks, i will try it