This project was done during my internship at Huawei.
Unfortunately, I do not have permission to copy and publish the checkpoints of the pretrained model in Huawei's server.
Now, my personal GPUs are limited and I have other projects to work on.
So, I am currently unable to train the model again either.
Once we have collected the complete BSD dataset, I will experiment again and upload the checkpoints of the pretrained model.
Thank you.
This project was done during my internship at Huawei. Unfortunately, I do not have permission to copy and publish the checkpoints of the pretrained model in Huawei's server. Now, my personal GPUs are limited and I have other projects to work on. So, I am currently unable to train the model again either. Once we have collected the complete BSD dataset, I will experiment again and upload the checkpoints of the pretrained model. Thank you.