zzkt / i-ching

The I Ching, or Book of Changes
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䷖ Splitting Apart #2

Open zzkt opened 3 years ago

zzkt commented 3 years ago

There are other significant methods which have not (yet) been implemented, in particular the “Ancient“ (Neo-Confucian reconstruction) and “Modified” methods of casting yarrow stalks described by Huang and some of the more idiosyncratic variants that have appeared during the 20th Century CE.

zzkt commented 3 years ago
zzkt commented 3 years ago

Hagbard Celine's gigantic computer, FUCKUP (First Universal Cybernetic-Kinetic-Ultramicro- Programmer) was basically a rather sophisticated form of the standard self-programming algorithmic logic machine of the time; the name was one of his whimsies. FUCKUP's real claim to uniqueness was a programmed stochastic process whereby it could "throw" an I Ching hexagram, reading' a random open circuit as a broken (yin) line and a random closed circuit as a full (yang) line until six such "lines" were round. Consulting its memory banks, where the whole tradition of I Ching interpretation was stored, and then cross-checking its current scannings of that day's political, economic, meteorological, astrological, astronomical, and technological eccentricities, it would provide a reading of the hexagram which, to Hagbard's mind, combined the best of the scientific and occult methods for spotting oncoming trends

zzkt commented 3 years ago

Patented methods (via Biroco)

zzkt commented 3 years ago

another implementation of the yarrow stalk method at https://github.com/kliph/i-ching/commit/369fc6b6a0eeab47340d83e2c8751180df35d4e8