zznop / drow

Injects code into ELF executables post-build
MIT License
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GDB/ltrace errors when debugging drow payloads #7

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

Hey zznop.

"0x7ffc14b4cce0s": not in executable format: file format not recognized ------- tip of the day (disable with set show-tips off) ------- Use the canary command to see all stack canary/cookie values on the stack (based on the usual stack canary value initialized by glibc) pwndbg>

ltrace ./ls-bd Couldn't get section #1 from "/proc/994604/exe": invalid section index

.intel_syntax noprefix

jmp past

message: .string "See, I am drow, and I'd like to say hello,\n"

past: lea rdi, [rip + message] call puts ret

zznop commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the late response: I noticed the same and have not dug into exactly why. My best guess is it doesn't like some of the mods that drow is making to program headers.

As for your assembly, drow injects shellcode payloads. When the example payload is built, only the .text section is objcopy-ed out of the ELF to the shellcode bin file (see here). Therefore you can't use imports, such as libc functions, without knowing / resolving the address yourself. All code needs to be self-contained and position-independent, as there is nothing that will fix-up relocations for you.

Risminator commented 2 months ago

I think I've found the root of the problem. At least it stopped crashing gdb for me.

The problem is adjusting the elf headers: _eshoff and _ephoff in _expandsection(). It's written like this:

printf(INFO "Adjusting ELF header offsets ...\n");
if (ehdr->e_shoff > tinfo->base)
    ehdr->e_shoff = ehdr->e_shoff + patch_size + stager_size;
if (ehdr->e_phoff > tinfo->base)
    ehdr->e_phoff = ehdr->e_phoff + patch_size + stager_size;

However, it shouldn't adjust ELF header offsets if nothing was expanded beforehand. In other words, the adjustment should only come when the inject method is _METHOD_EXPAND_ANDINJECT. For example, like this (not the best look, but works as an example):

if (sinfo->inject_method == METHOD_EXPAND_AND_INJECT) {
    printf(INFO "Adjusting ELF header offsets ...\n");
    if (ehdr->e_shoff > tinfo->base)
        ehdr->e_shoff = ehdr->e_shoff + patch_size + stager_size;
    if (ehdr->e_phoff > tinfo->base)
        ehdr->e_phoff = ehdr->e_phoff + patch_size + stager_size;

After this change (accounting for this condition the same way the other parts of _expandsection() are), the problem with gdb and other ELF utilities saying "file format not recognized" disappeared. Maybe this should help?