zzorba / marvelsdb

MarvelsDB - a deck builders for Marvel Champions - The Card Game
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Missing/corrupted image files #205

Open RamistaR92 opened 10 months ago

RamistaR92 commented 10 months ago

Hi, Thanks for your work on marvelcdb. I have been using it for a few months now and I thought I might share the only issue I had with your great site.

The image file for the following packs and only for this packs are not showing : Nova, Ironheart, Rogue, Gambit, Kang, Next Evolution. The identity card (double faced card) of each hero shows up fine but not the rest. In the case of Ironheart, only her first identity card shows up.

I did a little poll on the reddit to check if I am the only one experiencing this issue. Coming back to you with the results.
