zzorba / marvelsdb

MarvelsDB - a deck builders for Marvel Champions - The Card Game
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[Feature Request] Decks without a hero #222

Open XBigTK13X opened 6 months ago

XBigTK13X commented 6 months ago

I am interested in adding a feature to this app that would allow creating a deck without any hero cards included. I didn't see a way to do that in the app currently. Would such a feature be allowed?

If so I am happy to pull down the code and look into adding this feature. My first thought was a new "Heroless" placeholder that counts as a hero, but doesn't actually include any cards.

I personally prebuild aspect decks to mix and match with different heroes. I don't build a full hero deck at once.

Kamalisk commented 6 months ago

Most things assume that there is a hero card, so a placeholder one would probably work best.

XBigTK13X commented 5 months ago

I pulled down the code and was unable to get the app to build/launch. I may take another crack at this in the future when I have more time to spend on it.