zzorba / marvelsdb

MarvelsDB - a deck builders for Marvel Champions - The Card Game
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FAQs section is blank #56

Open MakeYourPieceGames opened 3 years ago

MakeYourPieceGames commented 3 years ago

Numerous FAQs have been added to the RRG via updates and should likely be listed here. Additionally, or in lieu of this, https://hallofheroeslcg.com/official-ffg-rulings/ has a large listing of officially answered questions that might serve as a substitute to this page.

Kamalisk commented 3 years ago

We don't have anyone to do FAQs here (yet) unlike arkham so the section is empty. If anyone wants to volunteer to add faqs to card entries, I can give someone access to do so.

Suave32 commented 3 years ago

If you need someone to do some basic data entry then I don't mind volunteering. My username is Suave on MCDB, so you can probably find my email there or just DM me on Discord: Suave#4802