zzpustc / CC-SAM

This is the implementation of our CVPR'23 paper "Class-Conditional Sharpness-Aware Minimization for Deep Long-Tailed Recognition".
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Ask for a help with codes on large-scale datasets #6

Closed AquuuuF closed 8 months ago

AquuuuF commented 8 months ago

Dear Authors,

I greatly appreciate the outstanding research presented in your paper. If it is not too much trouble, I was wondering if you would be willing to share the code you used for experiments on the large-scale datasets (ImageNet, Inatrulist2018, Places)? Thanks!

zzpustc commented 8 months ago


Can you provide your email address so that I can send the code to you?

Best, Zhipeng

AquuuuF commented 8 months ago


Can you provide your email address so that I can send the code to you?

Best, Zhipeng

Dear Zhipeng,

Very thanks for your help. Here is my email: Aquila_PYF@163.com.

Sincerely, Aq