zzsort / blarghrad

ArghRad decompiled source
10 stars 3 forks source link

Won't compile in Linux. #1

Closed eGax closed 4 years ago

eGax commented 4 years ago

Under Manjaro Linux KDE running the following commands in the terminal:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/zzsort/blarghrad.git
cd blarghrad/src/libjpeg/
cd ..

Not sure what the included libjpeg offers over the libjpeg versions already installed from my distribution, but it seemed to compile fine withouth error so I do not show that output, but here is the output from the blarghrad/src/ compile that fails:

[tron@retro-mcp src]$ make
g++ -c -Ilibjpeg -MMD blarghrad.cpp -o obj/blarghrad.o
g++ -c -Ilibjpeg -MMD verify.cpp -o obj/verify.o
g++ -c -Ilibjpeg -MMD cmdlib.cpp -o obj/cmdlib.o
g++ -c -Ilibjpeg -MMD patches.cpp -o obj/patches.o
g++ -c -Ilibjpeg -MMD scriplib.cpp -o obj/scriplib.o
g++ -c -Ilibjpeg -MMD threads.cpp -o obj/threads.o
g++ -c -Ilibjpeg -MMD lightmap.cpp -o obj/lightmap.o
g++ -c -Ilibjpeg -MMD polylib.cpp -o obj/polylib.o
g++ -c -Ilibjpeg -MMD bspfile.cpp -o obj/bspfile.o
g++ -c -Ilibjpeg -MMD mathlib.cpp -o obj/mathlib.o
g++ -c -Ilibjpeg -MMD trace.cpp -o obj/trace.o
g++ -o obj/blarghrad  obj/blarghrad.o obj/verify.o obj/cmdlib.o obj/patches.o obj/scriplib.o obj/threads.o obj/lightmap.o obj/polylib.o obj/bspfile.o obj/mathlib.o obj/trace.o libjpeg/obj/libjpeg.a -lm
/usr/bin/ld: obj/threads.o: in function `std::thread::thread<void (&)(int), int&, void>(void (&)(int), int&)':
threads.cpp:(.text._ZNSt6threadC2IRFviEJRiEvEEOT_DpOT0_[_ZNSt6threadC5IRFviEJRiEvEEOT_DpOT0_]+0x33): undefined reference to `pthread_create'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [makefile:18: obj/blarghrad] Error 1
[tron@retro-mcp src]$ 
eGax commented 4 years ago

This is fixed with your make file changes #3810e5b , closing.