zzsort / blarghrad

ArghRad decompiled source
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blarghrad can't locate files arghrad can. #2

Closed eGax closed 4 years ago

eGax commented 4 years ago

I noticed when compiling 2 copies of the same test map made in TrenchBroom with my wal-less texture profile I made for Digital Paintball2 with the same exact settings except for the light pass. I use arghrad3 on one and blarghrad on the other. There is more than one issue here, but I am thinking they're related. The map is just a small black textured box, no light other than the surface lights I applied to the red light texture faces on the cube with a light value of 24.

There is no Linux executable of arghrad, but it works under WINE in Linux fine and compiles without issues or warnings in the terminal:

[prompt]$  wine arghrad3.exe -gamedir /home/retro/games/paintball2/pball bbox_atest
----- ArghRad 3.00T9 by Tim Wright (Argh!) -----
Modified from original source code by id Software

----- Settings -----
 -gamedir set to /home/retro/games/paintball2/pball\  (game pak dir)
----- Load BSP File -----
reading Z:\home\retro\games\paintball2\pball\maps\bbox_atest.bsp
----- Light World -----
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
----- Save BSP File -----
writing Z:\home\retro\games\paintball2\pball\maps\bbox_atest.bsp
----- Time -----
    0 seconds elapsed

its produces this: a_color_sat1 Now running the Linux native blarghrad on the same map with a different name to keep them separate. You can see multiple can't find file issues:

[prompt]$ ./blarghrad -gamedir /home/retro/games/paintball2/pball bbox_batest
----- ArghRad 3.00T9 by Tim Wright (Argh!) -----
Modified from original source code by id Software

----- Settings -----
 -gamedir set to /home/retro/games/paintball2/pball\  (game pak dir)
----- Load BSP File -----
reading /home/retro/games/paintball2/pball/maps/bbox_batest.bsp
WARNING: Colormap not found - no colored texture lighting
Couldn't load pball/black
Couldn't load pball/r_lt1
----- Light World -----
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
----- Save BSP File -----
writing /home/retro/games/paintball2/pball/maps/bbox_batest.bsp
----- Time -----
    0 seconds elapsed

The results:

ba_color_sat1 The difference in the 2 screenshots in the lack of color lighting in the blarghrad shot due to not finding the color map most likely. It's also not seeing the textures in the folder as Arghrad does. Whatever is causing this for both is the same problem.

eGax commented 4 years ago

@zzsort fixed this. it was due to a dir separator.