zzz24512653 / CommunityDetection

Implements of community detection algorithms
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LPA and Louvain community scale issue. #15

Open XiaosongLis opened 5 years ago

XiaosongLis commented 5 years ago

Hi, I implemented the LPA algorithm and the Louvain algorithm and compared the result with igraph. I found that they are different. For example, as for LPA, the igraph will get about 30~40 communities, but my own code will get about 40~50 communities. As for Louvain, the igraph will get 13 communities, but my code will get 55 communities. Actually, the results from my code are very similar to the igraph, only in about 7 communities, my code will divide the whole community to 3 or 4 communities, so as to lead the number of communities is different to the igraph. Could you explain why it occurs the scale problem?

XiaosongLis commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much