Closed mustafaerdogmus closed 7 years ago
Hello @musti276 ,
To output record, you will need to specify a mapping. Here is an example using lambda expression
var bulk= new BulkOperation<IletisimLog>(connection);
bulk.DestinationTableName = "IletisimLogs";
// Column Input Expression
bulk.ColumnInputExpression = c => new { c.KullaniciID, c.EklendigiTarih, c.GonderildigiTarih, c.BilgilendirmeTurID };
// Column Output Expression
bulk.ColumnOutputExpression = c => c.IletisimLogID;
Let me know if that example helped you or if you need more information
Best Regards,
Closing comment: No answer, feel free to re-open if you still have questions.
//There are 1000 records registered in the database. How to get the primary key value for each record