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Incorrect key file for table 'base'; try to repair it - MySQL 5.6.6 #73

Open jkavalik opened 10 years ago

jkavalik commented 10 years ago

I was trying to check testcase from MariaDB on MySQL 5.6 using SQL Fiddle and got error. MySQL 5.5 works as expected:

5.6.6 - http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/b30d5/1 - gives Incorrect key file for table 'base'; try to repair it: select * from base where hours_worked_per_week = 40 and weeks_worked_last_year = 52 and dob < '1949-11-21'

5.5.32 - http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/b30d5/1 - works OK

jakefeasel commented 10 years ago

Looks to me like a problem with MySQL. Could be the build I'm using; it is in need of an upgrade. Have you confirmed that this query works as expected on a newer version of 5.6?

jkavalik commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I have no direct access to 5.6, thats why I tried fiddle. It is reported to give wrong results on newest 5.6(.16-dev) - missing some rows, but not to crash, err or corrupt database files. Actually this fiddle contains only subset of inserts from full testcase because 8000 chars limit. Original is attached to https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-5177