05nelsonm / kmp-tor

Kotlin Multiplatform Library for embedding Tor into your applications
Apache License 2.0
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Kotlin Multiplatform support for embedding Tor into your application.

NOTICE: kmp-tor is being overhauled. This branch is for the 1.x.x version. See HERE for the latest and greatest.

Get Started

Add dependency

// build.gradle.kts

dependencies {
    val vTor = "4.8.10-0"
    val vKmpTor = "1.4.4"

// build.gradle

dependencies {
    def vTor = '4.8.10-0'
    def vKmpTor = '1.4.4'

    implementation "io.matthewnelson.kotlin-components:kmp-tor:$vTor-$vKmpTor"
Configuring an Android Project - Ensure that the Kotlin Gradle Plugin is applied to your project - See the `Android` section of the [kmp-tor-binary][url-kmp-tor-binary] project's `README` to set things up so the Tor binaries are properly extracted upon app install. - By default, `TorService` needs no configuration and runs in the background. For configuring it to run as a Foreground service, see the following: - [Configuring Attrs][url-android-kotlin-attrs] - [Configuring Manifest][url-android-kotlin-manifest] - See the [Sample App][url-android-kotlin-app] for a basic setup of `TorManager` and your `TorConfig`.
Configuring a Java Project - See the `Java` section of the [kmp-tor-binary][url-kmp-tor-binary] project's `README`. - See the [JavaFX Sample App Gradle Configuration][url-javafx-kotlin-gradle] for a basic gradle/dependency configuration. - See the [JavaFx Sample App][url-javafx-kotlin-app] for a basic setup example. - Run the JavaFx Sample via `./gradlew :samples:kotlin:javafx:run -PKMP_TARGETS=JVM` from terminal or cmd prompt. - Note: Be sure to run `git submodule update --init` if you haven't yet so git submodules are initialized.


Unix Domain Sockets ### Tor supports use of unix domain sockets on Darwin and Linux (also Android) for the following: - ControlPort - SocksPort - HiddenServicePort ### How to enable unix domain socket support for the `ControlPort`: - For Android, nothing is needed - For JVM - If **JDK 16+**, nothing is needed - Otherwise, add the following dependency to your darwin/linux builds: ```kotlin // build.gradlew.kts dependencies { val vTor = "4.8.10-0" val vKmpTor = "1.4.4" implementation("io.matthewnelson.kotlin-components:kmp-tor:$vTor-$vKmpTor") if (isLinuxBuild || isDarwinBuild) { // Unix Domain Socket support extension (JDK 15 and below) implementation("io.matthewnelson.kotlin-components:kmp-tor-ext-unix-socket:$vKmpTor") } } ``` See the [JavaFX Sample App Gradle Configuration][url-javafx-kotlin-gradle] `dependencies` block for more info. If neither `TorConfig.Setting.Ports.Control` or `TorConfig.Setting.UnixSockets.Control` are expressed in your config, `TorConfig.Setting.UnixSockets.Control` will always be the preferred setting for establishing a connection to Tor's control port, **if support is had** (as noted above). To override this behavior, you can express the `TorConfig.Setting.Ports.Control` setting when providing your config at startup. ### How to enable unix domain socket support for the `SocksPort` and `HiddenServicePort` settings: - Be running on Darwin or Linux (also Android)
Callbacks (non-kotlin consumers) - For Java projects (who can't use coroutines), you can "wrap" `TorManager` in an implementation that uses callbacks (i.e. `CallbackTorManager`). ```groovy // build.gradle dependencies { def vTor = '4.8.10-0' def vKmpTor = '1.4.4' implementation "io.matthewnelson.kotlin-components:kmp-tor:$vTor-$vKmpTor" // Add the callback extension implementation "io.matthewnelson.kotlin-components:kmp-tor-ext-callback-manager:$vKmpTor" // You will also need to add the Kotlin Gradle Plugin, and Coroutines dependency. // If not Android, you will also need to import the binaries for the platforms you wish to // support. } ``` ```java // Wrapping TorManager instance in its Callback instance (Java) public class Example1 { // .. TorManager instance = TorManager.newInstance(/* ... */); // Wrap that mug... CallbackTorManager torManager = new CallbackTorManager( instance, uncaughtException -> { Log.e("MyJavaApp", "Some TorCallback isn't handling an exception...", uncaughtException); } ); } ``` - All requests use coroutines under the hood and are Main thread safe. Results will be dispatched to the supplied callback on the Main thread. ```java // Multiple callbacks of different styles (Java) public class Example2 { // ... Task startTask = torManager.start( t -> Log.e(TAG, "Failed to start Tor", t), startSuccess -> { Log.d(TAG, "Tor started successfully"); Task restartTask = torManager.restart( null, // fail silently by omitting failure callback (TorCallback) restartSuccess -> { Log.d(TAG, "Tor restarted successfully"); Task restartTask2 = torManager.restart( // Use the provided instance that will automatically throw // the exception, which will pipe it to the handler. TorCallback.THROW, new TorCallback() { @Override public void invoke(Object o) { Log.d(TAG, "Tor restarted successfully"); } } ); } ); } ); } ``` - Android (Java): - [Android Sample App][url-android-java-app] - [Android Sample Gradle][url-android-java-gradle] - JavaFx (Java): - [JavaFx Sample App][url-javafx-java-app] - [JavaFx Sample Gradle][url-javafx-java-gradle] - Run the sample via `./gradlew :samples:java:javafx:run -PKMP_TARGETS=JVM` from terminal or cmd prompt. - Note: Be sure to run `git submodule update --init` if you haven't yet so git submodules are initialized.