0bCdian / Hyprland_dotfiles

Here I will put all of my ricing files in hyprland
131 stars 5 forks source link
```ocaml ☕ Hyprland with "a touch of gruv" ☕ ``` # previews >terminal fun / nvim ![20221029_09h15m09s_grim](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/101421807/198831001-70a8b56d-28f6-4992-b2cd-1e0da364f91e.png) ![20221028_20h04m18s_grim](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/101421807/198834048-ff903f9b-ceaf-4ed0-ba49-8e4c79efc54c.png)


Install these and then copy my config files into your ~/.config folder

disclaimer some scripts and configs have my own home path, change it to yours or it won't work. ie "home/obsy/path_to_script" change "home/obsy" to your home path

Core Dependencies

hyprland-git waybar-hyprland-git waybar-mpris-git python rustup alacritty fish rofi xdg-desktop-portal-wlr swaylockd grim slurp mako wl-clipboard swaylock-effects-git papirus-folders papirus-icon-theme swww-git nerd-fonts-complete

Optional dependencies

Terminal fun

cava cbonsai neofetch pokemon-colorscripts-git

Terminal utils

ranger calcure btop nvim most 

Apps seen in the video / images

Special thanks to