0ceal0t / Dalamud-VFXEditor

VFX, animation, sound, and physics editing plugin for FFXIV
MIT License
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Struggling with VFX effect length #83

Open Hannah-Eliz opened 1 year ago

Hannah-Eliz commented 1 year ago

I'm struggling to find out where to change the 'lifetime' of a VFX - I've tried it under Timelines > Items and changing End Time but this doesnt seem to work at all? Is there some sort of process to fading a VFX out?

yangjimzero commented 1 year ago

This can only shorten the action time of the parameter of the emitter you select, but not the parameter of its internal particles. If your emitter is bind to an unlimited time binder, you can shorten the time of the emitter in the timeline and cause it to get rid of the binder at the end.

Hannah-Eliz commented 1 year ago

That's the the thing, its a persistent effect that seems to not shut off. I'm looking at [NPC] Neo Omega #12 in this case.

yangjimzero commented 1 year ago

you can find which particle cause it,usually these particle life is "-1",also,there parent emitter life often is "-1",too. in this case you should give them a certain life ,and better make some disappear animation for it to make them disappear more naturally. Or maybe some particle is set be loop .you should cancel the loop.

RaphaelDDL commented 1 year ago

I'm on the same scenario of wanting to change the length of an effect. I want to change Rampart vfx into the "shield-bearer" status effect (3 shields rotating). To be cool, I wanted to make the animation duration 20s, so it'll illustrate the buff being active. I tried using "Extending a VFX Duration' wiki as a base, but seems that just making the complete the opposite doesn't work.

Problem is, VFX is an infinite loop. So okay, looking at the -1 on timing, I thought of changing. First thing is, I couldn't understand what the scale for the time is. I tried changing 'end time' of the 3 "tracks"/emitters to 20 (two are -1, one is 166), but it is not in seconds, it is not milliseconds, I really don't know what it is. Can you tell me which is? I didn't see in the wiki when reading the examples.

Anyway, with this "20" which isn't sec nor ms, the animation continues to be infinite, what changed was simply that it now moved for a second or so and then it stops and get stuck, while still being present forever. So I was like, maybe I need to keep the emitters infinite, but change the parent. So I changed the loop end of timeline, but it then started making multiple effects on top of each other, so it's not that either .. I'm lost xD

yangjimzero commented 1 year ago

I'm on the same scenario of wanting to change the length of an effect. I want to change Rampart vfx into the "shield-bearer" status effect (3 shields rotating). To be cool, I wanted to make the animation duration 20s, so it'll illustrate the buff being active. I tried using "Extending a VFX Duration' wiki as a base, but seems that just making the complete the opposite doesn't work.

Problem is, VFX is an infinite loop. So okay, looking at the -1 on timing, I thought of changing. First thing is, I couldn't understand what the scale for the time is. I tried changing 'end time' of the 3 "tracks"/emitters to 20 (two are -1, one is 166), but it is not in seconds, it is not milliseconds, I really don't know what it is. Can you tell me which is? I didn't see in the wiki when reading the examples.

Anyway, with this "20" which isn't sec nor ms, the animation continues to be infinite, what changed was simply that it now moved for a second or so and then it stops and get stuck, while still being present forever. So I was like, maybe I need to keep the emitters infinite, but change the parent. So I changed the loop end of timeline, but it then started making multiple effects on top of each other, so it's not that either .. I'm lost xD

The time unit in vfxeditor is "frame", in addition, 1 second=30 frames,So 20 seconds=600f. In vfxeditor, the basic unit of vfx is particle, which usually has "entity", while emitter is only a virtual collection, which is similar to a "folder". So you need to change the life of the particles associated with the shield effects , rather than the life of the emitter. The life of an emitter can only determine how long the emitter will affect the particles it contains.

Shinokage107 commented 1 year ago

If u want a VFX to end and get killed properly u can use a kill clip.

U can also kill a vfx that is bound to a pap file by setting up a trigger on the second index and point it toa timeline with only a kill clip on frame 0

This will kill the animation the moment the pap stops ezpz