0graph / yfinance

A Yahoo Finance API Custom Function for Google sheets.
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yfinance for Google Sheets

A Yahoo Finance API Custom Function for Google sheets. This function can return any data or statistics for yahoo finance stocks, bonds, funds, and ETFs.



  1. on your sheet go to tools -> Script Editor
  2. Create new script and copy yfinance.gs to it
  3. Once saved it should be ready for use

Usage (=yfinance)


the ticker according to yahoo finance of the stock you want to get data from Example: "AAPL", "TD.TO"


Every stock has modules of data returned by yahoo finance Each module has submodules (ex. peRatio) and you can specify these in an array or leave an empty [] array to return all submodules returning all submodules may mess up formatting slightly Format: "{'module1':['subModule1','subModule2'], 'module2':[]}" (DONT use doublequotes for modules and submodules)


Include data headers using true/false


not all stocks contain the same modules/submodules so formatting errors may occur due to this. Some submodules have their own submodules (ex. insiderTransactions) which will be put as a JSON string in a cell and may by over the max cell char limit of google sheets.

Module List / Submodule List

Expand List NOTE: Some submodules may not be listed
assetProfile - address1 - city - state - zip - country - phone - website - industry - sector - longBusinessSummary - fullTimeEmployees - companyOfficers - auditRisk - boardRisk - compensationRisk - shareHolderRightsRisk - overallRisk - governanceEpochDate - compensationAsOfEpochDate - maxAge - address2 - fax
recommendationTrend - trend - maxAge
cashflowStatementHistory - cashflowStatements - maxAge
indexTrend - maxAge - symbol - peRatio - pegRatio - estimates
defaultKeyStatistics - maxAge - priceHint - enterpriseValue - forwardPE - profitMargins - floatShares - sharesOutstanding - sharesShort - sharesShortPriorMonth - sharesShortPreviousMonthDate - dateShortInterest - sharesPercentSharesOut - heldPercentInsiders - heldPercentInstitutions - shortRatio - shortPercentOfFloat - beta - impliedSharesOutstanding - morningStarOverallRating - morningStarRiskRating - category - bookValue - priceToBook - annualReportExpenseRatio - ytdReturn - beta3Year - totalAssets - yield - fundFamily - fundInceptionDate - legalType - threeYearAverageReturn - fiveYearAverageReturn - priceToSalesTrailing12Months - lastFiscalYearEnd - nextFiscalYearEnd - mostRecentQuarter - earningsQuarterlyGrowth - revenueQuarterlyGrowth - netIncomeToCommon - trailingEps - forwardEps - pegRatio - lastSplitFactor - lastSplitDate - enterpriseToRevenue - enterpriseToEbitda - 52WeekChange - SandP52WeekChange - lastDividendValue - lastDividendDate - lastCapGain - annualHoldingsTurnover
industryTrend - maxAge - symbol - peRatio - pegRatio - estimates
quoteType - exchange - quoteType - symbol - underlyingSymbol - shortName - longName - firstTradeDateEpochUtc - timeZoneFullName - timeZoneShortName - uuid - messageBoardId - gmtOffSetMilliseconds - maxAge
incomeStatementHistory - incomeStatementHistory - maxAge
fundOwnership - maxAge - ownershipList
summaryDetail - maxAge - priceHint - previousClose - open - dayLow - dayHigh - regularMarketPreviousClose - regularMarketOpen - regularMarketDayLow - regularMarketDayHigh - dividendRate - dividendYield - exDividendDate - payoutRatio - fiveYearAvgDividendYield - beta - trailingPE - forwardPE - volume - regularMarketVolume - averageVolume - averageVolume10days - averageDailyVolume10Day - bid - ask - bidSize - askSize - marketCap - yield - ytdReturn - totalAssets - expireDate - strikePrice - openInterest - fiftyTwoWeekLow - fiftyTwoWeekHigh - priceToSalesTrailing12Months - fiftyDayAverage - twoHundredDayAverage - trailingAnnualDividendRate - trailingAnnualDividendYield - navPrice - currency - fromCurrency - toCurrency - lastMarket - volume24Hr - volumeAllCurrencies - circulatingSupply - algorithm - maxSupply - startDate - tradeable
insiderHolders - holders - maxAge
calendarEvents - maxAge - earnings - exDividendDate - dividendDate
upgradeDowngradeHistory - history - maxAge
price - maxAge - preMarketChangePercent - preMarketChange - preMarketTime - preMarketPrice - preMarketSource - postMarketChange - postMarketPrice - regularMarketChangePercent - regularMarketChange - regularMarketTime - priceHint - regularMarketPrice - regularMarketDayHigh - regularMarketDayLow - regularMarketVolume - averageDailyVolume10Day - averageDailyVolume3Month - regularMarketPreviousClose - regularMarketSource - regularMarketOpen - strikePrice - openInterest - exchange - exchangeName - exchangeDataDelayedBy - marketState - quoteType - symbol - underlyingSymbol - shortName - longName - currency - quoteSourceName - currencySymbol - fromCurrency - toCurrency - lastMarket - volume24Hr - volumeAllCurrencies - circulatingSupply - marketCap
balanceSheetHistory - balanceSheetStatements - maxAge
earningsTrend - trend - maxAge
secFilings - filings - maxAge
institutionOwnership - maxAge - ownershipList
majorHoldersBreakdown - maxAge - insidersPercentHeld - institutionsPercentHeld - institutionsFloatPercentHeld - institutionsCount
balanceSheetHistoryQuarterly - balanceSheetStatements - maxAge
earningsHistory - history - maxAge
majorDirectHolders - holders - maxAge
summaryProfile - address1 - city - state - zip - country - phone - website - industry - sector - longBusinessSummary - fullTimeEmployees - companyOfficers - maxAge - address2 - fax
netSharePurchaseActivity - maxAge - period - buyInfoCount - buyInfoShares - buyPercentInsiderShares - sellInfoCount - sellInfoShares - sellPercentInsiderShares - netInfoCount - netInfoShares - netPercentInsiderShares - totalInsiderShares
insiderTransactions - transactions - maxAge
sectorTrend - maxAge - symbol - peRatio - pegRatio - estimates
incomeStatementHistoryQuarterly - incomeStatementHistory - maxAge
cashflowStatementHistoryQuarterly - cashflowStatements - maxAge
earnings - maxAge - earningsChart - financialsChart - financialCurrency
financialData - maxAge - currentPrice - targetHighPrice - targetLowPrice - targetMeanPrice - targetMedianPrice - recommendationMean - recommendationKey - numberOfAnalystOpinions - totalCash - totalCashPerShare - ebitda - totalDebt - quickRatio - currentRatio - totalRevenue - debtToEquity - revenuePerShare - returnOnAssets - returnOnEquity - grossProfits - freeCashflow - operatingCashflow - earningsGrowth - revenueGrowth - grossMargins - ebitdaMargins - operatingMargins - profitMargins - financialCurrency
fundProfile - maxAge - styleBoxUrl - family - categoryName - legalType - managementInfo - feesExpensesInvestment - feesExpensesInvestmentCat - initInvestment - initIraInvestment - initAipInvestment - subseqInvestment - subseqIraInvestment - subseqAipInvestment - brokerages
topHoldings - maxAge - cashPosition - stockPosition - bondPosition - otherPosition - preferredPosition - convertiblePosition - holdings - equityHoldings - bondHoldings - bondRatings - sectorWeightings
fundPerformance - maxAge - performanceOverview - performanceOverviewCat - trailingReturns - trailingReturnsNav - trailingReturnsCat - annualTotalReturns - pastQuarterlyReturns - riskOverviewStatistics - riskOverviewStatisticsCat
## Usage (=yfinance_history) #### Ticker the ticker according to yahoo finance of the stock you want to get data from Example: "AAPL", "TD.TO" #### Interval the interval between data points returned One of: * "1m", "2m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "60m", "90m", "1h", "1d", "5d", "1wk", "1mo", "3mo" #### Period1/2 period 1 is the start date for data returned and period 2 is the end date Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD Date format w/ time: YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS (don't change T) #### Events the stock events you want historical data on Format: Array "['dividends','splits']" * dividends * capitalGain * splits #### Header Show headers for data true/false #### Formula Examples Costco Quarterly w/ Dividends: * =yfinance_history("COST","3mo","2000-01-01","2021-01-01","['dividends']",true) Tesla Price on 2018-01-10 * =yfinance_history("TSLA","1d","2018-01-10","2018-01-11","[]",false)