0livare / tinted

Tinted is a color harmony wheel. It helps you choose color combinations that create pleasing contrasts and feel harmonious.
MIT License
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Tinted is a color harmony wheel. It helps you choose color combinations that create pleasing contrasts and feel harmonious.



# Install with yarn
yarn add tinted

# Or install with NPM
npm i tinted


<div class="my-color-wheel">
  <svg class="tinted-wheel"></svg>
  <div class="tinted-palette"></div>
@use 'tinted/wheel';
@use 'tinted/palette';

.my-color-wheel {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  margin: auto;
  max-width: 400px;
import {TintedWheel, TintedPalette} from 'tinted'

let colorWheel = new TintedWheel({
  container: document.querySelector('.tinted-wheel'),
  colorWheelImage: './wheel.png',

let palette = new TintedPalette({
  container: document.querySelector('.tinted-palette'),
  colorWheel: colorWheel,

colorWheel.dispatch.on('bind-data.main', data => palette.render(data))
colorWheel.dispatch.on('markers-updated.main', () => {


A few things to note:

Custom Colors

You can initialize Tinted with a custom color set:

let colors = [
  {r: 0, g: 255, b: 0},
  {h: 220, s: 1, v: 1},
  {h: 300, s: 1, l: 0.5},
  'hsl(0, 100%, 50%)',

let wheel = new TintedWheel(options)



The color harmony wheel for the user to make a selection of colors.


Name Description
container A DOM node or CSS selector for the <svg> element that the wheel should be created inside of
colorWheelImage A URI to a color HSV color wheel image to use
radius The radius of the wheel in SVG coordinate units
markerWidth The diameter of the markers used to select colors on the wheel in SVG coordinate units
markerOutlineWidth The width of the outline of the color marker in SVG coordinate units
margin The distance between the border of the <svg> and the circle of the wheel in SVG coordinate units
initRoot The color that should initially be used to select other harmony colors
initMode The initial mode the color wheel is in
baseClassName The prefix for the class names for all generated elements. Overriding this will cause all provided CSS to no longer work


Name Description
bindData(userData) It is mandatory to invoke this method. Pass in either an array of color-like values, or the number of colors to initially display. Default to 5 colors
setMode(mode) Set the mode of the wheel. Must be a value from the exported colorModes object
setHarmony() Based on the current root marker and the current mode, set the values of the other markers to be in harmony
isInMode(mode): boolean Returns true if the wheel is in that mode


A palette of colors to display the user's chosen values from the TintedWheel. For each color it:


Name Description
container A DOM node or CSS selector for the element that the palette should be created inside of
colorWheel The TintedColorWheel object to base the palette off of
baseClassName The prefix for the class names for all generated elements. Overriding this will cause all provided CSS to no longer work


Name Description
constructor(options) Constructor
render(data) Create or update the number of colors in the palette based on data from the wheel
onColorValuesChanged() Update the color values for the existing number of colors, passing in the current mode the wheel is in


Feel free to override any of the default styling as you please.

Out of the box, tinted supports a color scheme for a light and dark background, defaulting to the light background. To change it to expect a dark background, add a tinted--dark class to a parent element of the wheel and/or palette.