0x1F602 / remaster.sh

Remaster an Ubuntu ISO from Ubuntu 14.04+
GNU General Public License v2.0
2 stars 2 forks source link


Remaster an Ubuntu ISO from Ubuntu 14.04+

Requires bash, sudo access, an internet connection (for apt-get), and an iso to remaster.

Originally by Pat Natali https://github.com/beta0x64/remaster.sh

With contributions by Tai Kedzierski https://github.com/taikedz/remaster.sh


  ./remaster.sh --iniso old.iso --outiso new.iso [--entry ENTRYPOINT]

  ./remaster.sh --iniso=old.iso --outiso=new.iso [--entry=ENTRYPOINT]

ENTRYPOINT is a flag at which you can resume a function of the script. 

The supported entry points are:


  Starts the process by mounting the original ISO,

  and proceeds through the rest of the script


  Re-starts the ISO cusotmization step,

  and proceeds through the rest of the script


  Re-starts the post-ISO customization step,

  and proceeds through the rest of the script


  Re-builds the ISO from the currrent state.

  Requires that the previous steps to have been run before

  and for ./livecdtmp to not have been removed or broken