0x2142 / switchport-web-dashboard

A simple web dashboard to display network switch port capacity
The Unlicense
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Switchport Capacity Dashboard

The purpose of this project was to build a simple dashboard to display current switch port capacity/availablity within a network. For example, maybe a network admin needs to onboard a handful of new users - using this dashboard, they could quickly look across their network for a switch that has enough available ports.

The current state of the dashboard:

The web dashboard is built on top of scrapli, Cisco Genie, flask, and bootstrap.

More details can be found in my blog post: here.

As a note: This is just a side project of mine & is not neccessarily ready for production use. Feel free to use / modify / etc at your own risk

Primary components

data_collector.py - This script handles connecting out to IOS-XE / NX-OS devices and collecting inventory & switchport information. One the data is collected and processed, it is inserted into a sqlite database.

config.yml - Configuration file that will hold all of the target devices to be monitored.

switchdb.py - This module contains all logic related to the sqlite database management.

switchport_web.py - This contains all code for the frontend Flask dashboard. Handles inbound user requests, pulling information from the database, and rendering the HTML templates to return.

/templates/ - This folder holds all of the HTML / Jinja2 templates that are used with Flask to render web pages.

/static/ - This folder holds static CSS and image files.


  1. Clone repo
  2. Install requirements: pipenv install
  3. Edit config.yml to add target devices to monitor
  4. Set up cron to run data_collector.py at your preferred interval
  5. Run switchport_web.py for the web portion


Example of the main dashboard page:

Example of the switch detail page:

Example of the network-wide aggregate stats: