0x3F-Lab / love-letters

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Add server/client side validation #50

Closed AkhilG4 closed 2 months ago

AkhilG4 commented 2 months ago

Fixed password cofirmmation issue where user could update their password even if the new and confirm new had different values

Added database rollback if a database fails to update

Fixed issue where website would crash if user updated their email with an email that already existed

AkhilG4 commented 2 months ago

I have now implement some client and server side validation through the use of ajax and bootstrap attributes

AkhilG4 commented 2 months ago

When reviewing please test out the validation in ALL AREAS including:

Ensure you try both valid and invalid inputs and cofirm you are able to see the corresponding error messages below the fields.

For the password the requirements are:

Seems like a lot but we can reduce if need be. I also need to add a thing to show the password requirements as the error message sent back only shows a specific password error.

The error messages style is nothing fancy. That can be changed later on

AkhilG4 commented 2 months ago

Added place holders and modified name/number validation

Mitan4E commented 2 months ago

Everything seems to be working well, however the email has to be case sensitive I dont know if you meant for that