0x3F-Lab / love-letters

Agile Web Dev Project
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Agile Web Development Project

Welcome to Love Letters, a heartfelt platform where you can share your stories, connect with others, and find love or friendship. To get started, simply create an account, browse through the posts, and don't forget to share your own love letter or friendship request!

Name Student ID Github Username
Alex Hawking 23354512 Alex-Hawking
Akhil Gorasia 23424609 AkhilG4
Martin Mitanoski 23385544 Mitan4E
Connor Grayden 23349066 Connor2803

Set up

Clone the Repository:

  git clone https://github.com/Alex-Hawking/CITS3403-Project.git

Start and Initialise Virtual Environment:

  python3 -m venv env

  source src/env/bin/activate

  pip install -r src/requirements.txt

Initialize test database:

  python3 generate_example_db.py


Set up steps are completed as above (db is created and are in venv).

From main directory:

  python3 ./src/app.py

Can now access site on localhost:5000


Start and Initialise Virtual Environment:

  cd src

  python3 -m venv env

  source env/bin/activate

  pip install -r requirements.txt

Reset database and run the testing:

  python3 generate_example_db.py

  pytest src/tests/test_selenium.py