0x3F-Lab / uwa-ms-website

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How to use this

git clone https://github.com/Alex-Hawking/uwa-ms-website.git

cd into it

cd site

npm install

npm run dev

should be served on localhost:3000

if you make a change it should auto refresh

other useful commands

git checkout

git add

git commit 

git push

sudo rm -rf ~/*


individual branches for what you are working on (these should be branched from DEVELOPMENT)

then into development

development - writing code

staging - testing, before rollout

main (production) - live website

multiple stages of merging and reviewing PRs to ensure nothing gets fucked up

Other important stuff

Custom font and colour defs are in settings.scss and vuetify.js

You can use them in CSS as:

color: var(--customColourName)

or inline any vuetify component with:

<v-item color="blue">

fonts can be used as normal with specified weights