0x6C38 / intellijPywal

Intellij Pywal integration
62 stars 8 forks source link
color-scheme i3wm intellij jetbrains material-theme-plugin pywal

Pywal Intellij Material Theme and Scheme Generator

The script in this repository can generate Intellij themes based on Pywal or other color scheme generator tools automatically. It is meant to be used in combination with Material Theme Plugin to integrate with every element of Intellij's UI instead of just the editor's color scheme.



Warning: this script overrides material_custom_theme.xml so be sure to backup your custom material theme configuration if you care for it.

  1. Clone or download the files in this repository
  2. Run intellijPywalGen.sh and make sure to pass the path to your config directory (eg.: ./intellijPywalGen.sh $HOME/.IntelliJIdea2018.1/config)
  3. Set material theme to "custom theme" (Intellij -> Tools -> Material Theme -> Material Theme Chooser -> Custom Theme)
  4. Import material-pywal.icls editor scheme which should be located in your config/colors folder via (Intellij -> File -> Settings -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> Scheme : -> Import Scheme...)
  5. Set the editor's color scheme (Intellij -> File -> Settings -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> Scheme: Material Pywal)
  6. Restart Intellij

After the first time you'll only need to restart Intellij after you run the script in order for changes to take effect.


If you use intellijPywalGen.sh, you will get error about sed. Therefore, you can use intellijPywalGenmac.sh instead.

The following is an example code, when CLion2020.1 in mac.

./intellijPywalGenmac.sh $HOME/Library/ApplicationSupport/JetBrains/CLion2020.1

i3wm Integration

Integration with i3 is very simple. A good way to go about it is to bind a shortcut to set a random wallpaper using pywal and then chain a call to this script on the same command to make sure pywal has updated the colors:

bindsym $mod+Print exec "wal -i $HOME/Pictures/Wallpapers;/pathToScript/intellijPywalGen.sh  $HOME/.IntelliJIdea2018.1/config"

Notice both commands are separated by a semicolon without any space in-between and the params are passed with an unescaped space.

